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Channel 4 Doc

posh totty

whippet servant
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quick channel 4 , the lie of the land and just see what our goverment has done to farming and the countryside now! :rant:
what a disgusting program ! heartless shower of bastrds !

j pistols.gifhn


sex.gif strange goings on me thinks :wacko:
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Shut up John be serious :- "

What a program :thumbsup:

and what a statement "We're all in this together" makes you think doesn't it
sad to see the day old calves shot for £2, but from a farmers point of view what really can be the alternative? rather see it dead too soon then left to starve to death!

true and real documentry giving a real view of whats going on in todays farming life and what we have to thank our lovely government for! they are the ones with blood on their hands! :rant:

glad they had the guts to show what REALLY goes on! and the graphic explanation as to how the male chicks are killed, minced to death! all this for a few bloody vermin! hope they all enjoy their cheap chickens! ill stick to local thanks, i know what my have been fed and how they have lived :thumbsup: , not cramped in some small wire pokey hole with never the sight of clean daylight! :rant:

my kids have watched chicks hatch and fed them til the day they are killed, they have fed and played football with our piglets til they went off to slaughter, those pigs had a happy life and we still had the benefits of eating home produce, not intense cruelty!

time we all had a look at what we find acceptable in food terms and acting rather then tutting then going off to tescos! :rant:
On a lighter note :D

Hunting horn while killing rats :lol: Brilliant
posh totty said:
sad to see the day old calves shot for £2, but from a farmers point of view what really can be the alternative? rather see it dead too soon then left to starve to death!
true and real documentry giving a real view of whats going on in todays farming life and what we have to thank our lovely government for! they are the ones with blood on their hands!  :rant:

glad they had the guts to show what REALLY goes on! and the graphic explanation as to how the male chicks are killed, minced to death! all this for a few bloody vermin! hope they all enjoy their cheap chickens! ill stick to local thanks, i know what my have been fed and how they have lived  :thumbsup: , not cramped in some small wire pokey hole with never the sight of clean daylight!  :rant:

my kids have watched chicks hatch and fed them til the day they are killed, they have fed and played football with our piglets til they went off to slaughter, those pigs had a happy life and we still had the benefits of eating home produce, not intense cruelty!

time we all had a look at what we find acceptable in food terms and acting rather then tutting then going off to tescos!  :rant:

cant afford tesco's Tan, im a netto man :lol: bent tins n all that

dear oh dear tanya....."kids played football with our piglets... :eek: " bit cruel !

its the big supermarkets faults..i dont think its the goverments fault totally...

anyway still want an explanation about 30-40-50 year old sons still alone in winter beds with their mums :unsure: and the big weird sheds that have mishapened animals and relatives stored away in...and where do they buy those brillo-pad trousers and jackets from ? :unsure:

j :blink: hn
A bit off the subject.But has anyone ever seen a calf with 5 leg's.And its not a camera trick,as this is real life stuff.I am going to have a look at it tomorrow as its only a few mile's from where i live.I will take photo's if i can get close enough.Apparently the 5th leg,is growing out of its neck.Suppose it wont have to much trouble ,scratching its ear.Will hopefully post photo's tomorrow night. ...Billy...
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billyboy45 said:
A bit off the subject.But has anyone ever seen a calf with 5 leg's.And its not a camera trick,as this is real life stuff.I am going to have a look at it tomorrow as its only a few mile's from where i live.I will take photo's if i can get close enough.Apparently the 5th leg,is growing out of its neck.Suppose it wont have to much trouble ,scratching its ear.Will hopefully post photo's tomorrow night.   ...Billy...

hey while youre at the field ahve a look thru the farmhose ya the farmer and his mum are busy..... :- "

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stormydog said:
dear oh dear tanya....."kids played football with our piglets... :eek: "  bit cruel !
its the big supermarkets faults..i dont think its the goverments fault totally...

anyway still want an explanation about 30-40-50  year old sons still alone in winter beds with their mums  :unsure:   and the big weird sheds that have mishapened animals and relatives stored away in...and where do they buy those brillo-pad trousers and jackets from ?  :unsure:

            j :blink: hn

'George' at Asda, John, or when they are feeling REALLY fashion conscious, River Island :- " :thumbsup: (w00t)
I very sad true to life programme. :( :(

I have been brought up in farming, lived on a farm and also went to agricultural college. Nothing shocks me. :(

It is a very sad state of afairs what is happening to the countryside, and i also blame the goverment, defra, and large super market chains.

farmers are rewarded there single payment from the gov for the calfs so more calfs = more hand outs.....

I have been brought up caring for animals only to see them go to slaughter, or see a sick calf be shot, you really do get to see value of life. Young store cattle have to stay in barns for the full 18months of there life. They can never get to walk on the grass ot taste it! and dont even get me started on the way cattle are handling to get them in the lorry or crush (and disbuding or casterating - ouch).

I didnt see all the programme did it show the pens for sows n there young? now that is just terrible.

i used to buy up banty hens to give them a bit of a life (once they stop laying twice a day with artifical light they sell them for 50p!) and as for breeding phesants that really gets to me :rant: :rant: why breed something just to shoot it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: its horrible. People pay ££££'s to go on these 200+ bird shoots.... :angry: :angry:

Ive also seen the kind of meat that err.... "foreigners" buy at sales to have done there self for take aways.....Yuk!! they just chuck the old goat/sheep in the back of a van that cost about £20.... n away they go!!! curry n kabab time. So much for them buying proper halal meat more like DIY meat! :x

Knowing all ths has made me the fussiest eater alive. i only eat chicken. My sisters are veggie. All because we have seen the who truth how these animals are treated...... all for cheap meat. :rant:

My grandad used to by in piglets, turkeys etc and let us rear them only to find them on the table one day after school..... i never ate it but i can see it from his point of view he knew what that animal had ate, how it lived and... died.

My family buy all meat n eggs from our friends not at supermarkets.

I hope the programme was a real eye opener for the kind of people who think lambs skip happily aroung nice lush fields and are like petting zoo's.
1st it was the fatory's/mills that were forced out of bussiness by cheap imports now farmers are being forced out of bussiness due to cheap imports of meat/milk/eggs.

The British Government wont be happy till it's run this country into the ground, successive governments have put tighter & tighter laws on British Farmers to the point they cant survive this has not been helped by Supermarkkets being allowed to inport cheap mass produced meat reared in terrible conditions but thats ok as its out of sight.

there will come a point when we are 100% dependent on imports and what happens when they stop us importing (after a war ect) were in deep troubl.

were going to be left with no farmers of heds ect to produce food, no tradsmen to build anything?

I think its time the Great was dropped from Great Britain!
This is something that is VERY close to my heart and I feel very strongly about,I thought this was one of the best programmes on TV for a long really brought it all home and put everything into perspective,the govenment have brought in sensless bans to protect foxes etc and do nothing to make life easier for domesticated animals like cattle,chickens,sheep farmer said last night that he would have preferred his cattle to be slaughtered at home where they they will be caused as little stress as poss and are in familar surroundings,BUT Oh No! the government want them shunted off & petrified into lorries and driven maybe 100/150 miles to the nearest abbatoir and then slaughtered...why??? because it saves money and looks better on paper!! the hell with the animals. :rant: The way things stand at the minute with this new legislation that the "landowner" and NOT the farmer get paid is just too ridiculous for words!!

And the single farm payment is a total "farmweek" (our local farming paper) a few weeks ago one farmer had written in to complain about this new payment scheme saying that after taking everything into consideration and filling out all the much did he get???.....NOTHING!!...he OWED THEM MONEY!!!! I honestly don't think people realise that soon there will be no farms left and that means that all the fields and country side will be full of housing...people cannot afford to keep these animals as pets,they are just far too costly to keep.The only reason they exist is to feed people,take that away and you have no reason for the animals to be here!! I don't have a problem with animals being raised and slaughtered for is a fact of life, BUT it must be done as humanely as possible and with as little stress caused to the animal as possible,I also don't have a problem with "shoots" but I DO have a problem with how the imported birds are kept in cages and never see the light of day until they are released, same as battery farmed hens (we have our own free range) I will not buy them nor the eggs.

But the biggest problem lies with the fact that most of the general public DO NOT associate the cows and sheep grazing out in the fields as the same thing that ends up in tesco's wrapped in sellophane in their cooler dept!

And I completely agree with you Mark...they won't be happy until this country is ruined and at this rate it won't take them long either! :(
05whippet said:
And the single farm payment is a total "farmweek" (our local farming paper) a few weeks ago one farmer had written in to complain about this new payment scheme saying that after taking everything into consideration and filling out all the much did he get???.....NOTHING!!...he OWED THEM MONEY!!!! I honestly don't think people realise that soon there will be no farms left and that means that all the fields and country side will be full of housing...people cannot afford to keep these animals as pets,they are just far too costly to keep.The only reason they exist is to feed people,take that away and you have no reason for the animals to be here!! I don't have a problem with animals being raised and slaughtered for is a fact of life, BUT it must be done as humanely as possible and with as little stress caused to the animal as possible,I also don't have a problem with "shoots" but I DO have a problem with how the imported birds are kept in cages and  never see the light of day until they are released, same as battery farmed hens (we have our own free range) I will not buy them nor the eggs.

I am a vegetarian for this reason ONLY, I do not have a problem with animals being killed for food but the conditions some animals are kept in is appalling (I have seen some myself which is why I decided to stop eating meat). I would dearly love to eat meat again but I don't know who I can trust anymore to deliver what I want!

Never saw the program but I wish I had, is it repeated?
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jezza said:
05whippet said:
And the single farm payment is a total "farmweek" (our local farming paper) a few weeks ago one farmer had written in to complain about this new payment scheme saying that after taking everything into consideration and filling out all the much did he get???.....NOTHING!!...he OWED THEM MONEY!!!! I honestly don't think people realise that soon there will be no farms left and that means that all the fields and country side will be full of housing...people cannot afford to keep these animals as pets,they are just far too costly to keep.The only reason they exist is to feed people,take that away and you have no reason for the animals to be here!! I don't have a problem with animals being raised and slaughtered for is a fact of life, BUT it must be done as humanely as possible and with as little stress caused to the animal as possible,I also don't have a problem with "shoots" but I DO have a problem with how the imported birds are kept in cages and  never see the light of day until they are released, same as battery farmed hens (we have our own free range) I will not buy them nor the eggs.

I am a vegetarian for this reason ONLY, I do not have a problem with animals being killed for food but the conditions some animals are kept in is appalling (I have seen some myself which is why I decided to stop eating meat). I would dearly love to eat meat again but I don't know who I can trust anymore to deliver what I want!

Never saw the program but I wish I had, is it repeated?

I don't know if it is being repeated or not Jezza my OH was working and missed it too and he would loved to have seen it, it really was such a good programme.I wonder if seeing as it was a channel 4 production that maybe one of its sister channels will show it on sky/cable etc?

And it is very difficult to know who to trust to get your meat you not have any local "farmshops" near you??
05whippet said:
jezza said:
05whippet said:
And the single farm payment is a total "farmweek" (our local farming paper) a few weeks ago one farmer had written in to complain about this new payment scheme saying that after taking everything into consideration and filling out all the much did he get???.....NOTHING!!...he OWED THEM MONEY!!!! I honestly don't think people realise that soon there will be no farms left and that means that all the fields and country side will be full of housing...people cannot afford to keep these animals as pets,they are just far too costly to keep.The only reason they exist is to feed people,take that away and you have no reason for the animals to be here!! I don't have a problem with animals being raised and slaughtered for is a fact of life, BUT it must be done as humanely as possible and with as little stress caused to the animal as possible,I also don't have a problem with "shoots" but I DO have a problem with how the imported birds are kept in cages and  never see the light of day until they are released, same as battery farmed hens (we have our own free range) I will not buy them nor the eggs.

I am a vegetarian for this reason ONLY, I do not have a problem with animals being killed for food but the conditions some animals are kept in is appalling (I have seen some myself which is why I decided to stop eating meat). I would dearly love to eat meat again but I don't know who I can trust anymore to deliver what I want!

Never saw the program but I wish I had, is it repeated?

I don't know if it is being repeated or not Jezza my OH was working and missed it too and he would loved to have seen it, it really was such a good programme.I wonder if seeing as it was a channel 4 production that maybe one of its sister channels will show it on sky/cable etc?

And it is very difficult to know who to trust to get your meat you not have any local "farmshops" near you??

Yes there are loads which we go to but I'm still not sure! I suppose I should just ask really :p
I've just had a look around and I can't see if its going to be repeated but they have that 4OD (on demand) now where you can watch programs from the last 7 days on your pc. Gonna give that a try :thumbsup:
i didnt see the program but i cant understand why folk are up in arms about farms and farmers not being able to compete with cheap imports.we cant compete with cheap foreign imports.look at the recent bernard matthews scare.did the government penalise him?no they give him compensation!when the miners were on strike cos maggie thatcher wanted to close the pits down did everyone go up in arms about all the pit villages where folk would be out of work and where drugs would take over as the biggest occupation for the young men in the village instead of going down the pit? :- " i didnt hear many folk ranting about that.the mines were shut down and nary a whisper from the great british public.yet a few farmers cant compete with cheap imports or the big farms where the only solution is to farm on a massive scale and suddenly everyone is up in arms.wake up!we all buy cheap imports.the public wants to buy things as cheaply as possible,the vast majority dont care how the animals are treated or how theyre slaughtered or else they would vote with their purses and NOT BUY IT!british industry is on its last legs talk to anyone who knows anything about it.we cant compete with markets where the wages are 5p an hour,where there are shifts of 24 hours in factories and workers sleep in dormitories and just work and sleep in the factory itself,where theres no rules as to how animals are kept and slaughtered and where there is no legislation about how animals are looked 10 or 20 years there wont be any farms,theyre dying out and will be obsolete.the governent doesnt want free enterprise,they want to keep the power and money in the hands of the 10 years there wont be any high street stores that dont belong to the big multiples.ive seen hundreds of small businesses bite the dust in the last 10 years or so,some of them had been going for 2 or 3 generations.some of them were trade warehouses that had been trading for generations,importing goods into the uk from abroad,but now the supermarkets do it and sell direct to the public so small businesses cant compete with them.its all right saying dont buy them but if we stop imports they will do the same to us and then where will we stand?.soon there wont be any choice.every hight street in every town will look the same as they are starting to so now.with poundlands,m&s,woolies,phone stores,b&m,etc wont have any choice and by then it will be too late to cry about all the stores being the same cos its happening now!whats happening to farming is happening across the board in this country,to industry,engineering,manufacturing etc etc.its the death knell for free enterprise.
kris said:
i didnt see the program but i cant understand why folk are up in arms about farms and farmers not being able to compete with cheap imports.we cant compete with cheap foreign imports.look at the recent bernard matthews scare.did the government penalise him?no they give him compensation!when the miners were on strike cos maggie thatcher wanted to close the pits down did everyone go up in arms about all the pit villages where folk would be out of work and where drugs would take over as the biggest occupation for the  young men in the village instead of going down the pit? :- " i didnt hear many folk ranting about that.the mines were shut down and nary a whisper from the great british public.yet  a few farmers cant compete with cheap imports or the big farms where the only solution is to farm on a massive scale and suddenly everyone is up in arms.wake up!we all buy cheap imports.the public wants to buy things as cheaply as possible,the vast majority dont care how the animals are treated or how theyre slaughtered or else they would vote with their purses and NOT BUY IT!british industry is on its last legs talk to anyone who knows anything about it.we cant compete with markets where the wages are 5p an hour,where there are shifts of 24 hours in factories and workers sleep in dormitories and just work and sleep in the factory itself,where theres no rules as to how animals are kept and slaughtered and where there is no legislation about how animals are looked 10 or 20 years there wont be any farms,theyre dying out and will be obsolete.the governent doesnt want free enterprise,they want to keep the power and money in the hands of the 10 years there wont be any high street stores that dont belong to the big multiples.ive seen  hundreds of small businesses bite the dust in the last 10 years or so,some of them had been going for 2 or 3 generations.some of them were trade warehouses that had been trading for generations,importing goods into the uk from abroad,but now the supermarkets do it and sell direct to the public so small businesses cant compete with them.its all right saying dont buy them but if we stop imports they will do the same to us and then where will we stand?.soon there wont be any choice.every hight street in every town will look the same as they are starting to so now.with poundlands,m&s,woolies,phone stores,b&m,etc wont have any choice and by then it will be too late to cry about all the stores being the same cos its happening now!whats happening to farming is happening across the board in this country,to industry,engineering,manufacturing etc etc.its the death knell for  free enterprise.

Well they SHOULD care about how the animals are raised and slaughtered Kris!!! We,as in Britain,class ourselves as a nation of animal lovers....I have never heard a more ridiculous statement....what a load of garbage!!! At least I know where and how my meat is raised & slaughtered as we buy off a local farmer direct and we raise our own chickens for meat and eggs and are hoping to get a few pigs and a few more sheep solely for ourselves,so I will know that they will have had a good life before they go to slaughter. My personal view is if you don't like something about it!! There IS a choice!
i find the vast majority of folk dont care.or they SAY they care but if it costs them money or it makes life a bit hard or uncomfortable for them they dont want to know.we live in a country that is renowned for being animal lovers but when i see animals treated as they are i wonder! :(
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