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Changing Puppy to Raw


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Hi all, l’m looking for some opinions. We received our new nine week old puppy this week and I’m continuing on the kibble he was on at the breeders while he settles.

I’m looking to change to raw, I have decided to start with complete meal (Cotswold Chicken Puppy). I plan to stick with the complete meals for a while until I try DIY after I have carried out more research.

The opinions I’m looking for is how long to stick with the kibble while he settles before starting to make the switch.

Thanks in advance for any view.
I'd give it a couple of weeks. Physiologically you could change right over but you don't really want to add any more major changes to his life all at once.
I changed our last puppy that we bought from kibble to raw meat in 2 days. The transition was easy, she took to the raw like a "duck to water". There were no digestive problems/tummy upsets and the difference in her coat and general appearance was noticeable within days.

With regards to research: I would suggest that you purchase a little book, "Honey's Natural Feeding Handbook for Dogs". This little book is easy to read and understand, with loads of practical information and advice. It is great for beginners and regular feeders of the raw product. It can be purchased on Amazon for as little as 1p (used but as new).

Enjoy your raw feeding and your puppy too.
I have changed our puppies to raw from the day we brought them home,we had no tummy problems and they had eaten their first meal of raw as if it was going to be their last:)
Folly when she came as a pup went on to raw straight away and loved it. I took an adult Shih Tzu on, he had been fed on an expensive kibble, I changed him over to raw as soon as he was with me. Again he loved it with no problems, and his coat improved, it was not bad initially but it did improve.
One advantage of keeping the pup on the same kibble for a couple of weeks is that if there are any problems in the poo department, it's easier to work out what the cause is. Dogs' digestions can be affected even by a change in water in a different part of the country or, of course, the stress of upheaval - if you switch straight away and he has digestive issues, you won't know whether it's because of the switch or because of the other changes in his life.

I'd still definitely recommend raw for the long term though.
Thanks JudyN, I think I will follow your advice as I don’t think an extra week will make too much difference.

We are definitely planning to switch to raw. I’m planing to feed raw morning and night and using his current kibble as training treats during the day until we use it up. I have been advised by my local food supplier mixing kibble and raw is ok as long as if it not given at the same time.

I will the cut the kibble out and hopefully his poo will be less smelly. :)
The biggest difference I noticed when I switched Jasper to raw was that his farts didn't smell any more - previously you'd have been able to slice them, store them and use them as weapons of mass destruction :confused: His poos are a lot less smelly, too.

I found that the 'complete' raw meals didn't suit him, for some reason - he was better off on the basic meats, with added veg now and again. But then he's never been completely reliable in the bowel department...
We know what you mean about the farts, and he is only 10 weeks, cannot imagine what they would be like when he gets bigger.

We are going to give the complete a try first, hopefully he will like it. I’m planning to move to DIY after doing more research. Currently reading ‘Give you’re dog a bone’ and looking on you tube.
However, I would still recommend reading the Honey's book first. As I have mentioned the book is easy to read and understand, if this interests you enough, then you could graduate to the "Billinghurst" ones, these take me a lot longer to get through!:oops:
I started Oscar on the ‘Cotswold’ raw puppy food this morning. He has been with us a week and a half and has settled very well so l thought it would be ok to change.

I have decided to change to raw all at once rather than staggering with kibble.

It was a good start as he loved his breakfast, finishing it in one go.

I will let you know how we progress.
Hi excuseme, I have also ordered the Honey’s book to read. I have completed read the ‘Give your dog a bone’ and currently reading Dr Billinghurst’s third book.

Both are good but maybe a little in depth for me at the moment. I think I will re-read them after I have read Honey’s book.

l want to do a lot of research before moving to DIY raw.
We switched our dog over no problem. However the first time we tried to give him raw food he sniffed it and totally ignored it after that. He wasn't interested. When we decided to really make the switch we just witheld his food for a day. Then it was a different story. He gobbled it right down, and he's been eating and loving raw ever since.
Just to update the switch has been a great success. Oscar loves his new food, bouncing like Tigger when I’m preparing it. He eats it with great enthusiasm. He ate his kibble but would not always finish and did not look as though he enjoyed it.

Give him a chicken neck yesterday which he also enjoyed.

Also less wind, poo’s firmer and less smelly.

My only slight concern is that he eats his meals too quickly so I might try out a ‘slow feed’ bowl. Are there any raw feeders who have tried these. If so do they work and are they ok to clean. Any recommendations welcome.
Good to hear you have made the changeover. I hope you both continue to enjoy it:D

I have used a slow feeder bowl for raw with no problems to clean I just fill the sink with very hot water and washing up liquid and allow the slow feeder to soak for a few mins :)
Hi, we are looking at the possibility of feeding raw to our 2 yo and 7month old lurchers, what food would you reccomend? I’m a little sceptical about bones but is there anything else that can give them crunch? Can they have kibble too? Thank you
Yes you can feed kibble with a raw diet but it will do nothing for the health of the teeth and gums.
You can be sure that raw bones are perfectly natural and safe, and should be included as part of a raw diet.
Cooked bones are dangerous but the raw ones are perfectly safe and beneficial for our dogs teeth and gums. They also provide a good source of calcium.
I would like to suggest as I have done earlier in this post, that you purchase the little book "Honeys Natural Handbook for Dogs". A very easy book to read and understand, it helps both newbies and regular users of the raw diet. It will help you to get started.
It can be purchased from Amazon for as little as 1p, used but as good as new.