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Celebrity Come Dancing


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I so love this programme, and am thrilled it's back on again. I don't know who to support, some of the girls are excellent but I do like the men this year, so many left feet. I'm probably going to say Dom for the fellas and Penny or Gabby for the girls but I don't mind I just enjoy the programme

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Strictly is my favourite programme!! And I love the show during the week with Claudia too :thumbsup:

My Faves are Alesha and Kelly for the girls and John Barnes from the men :lol:

I thought Gabby Logan was a bit weirdly over competitive, which put me off her! :oops:
I was sorry to see Stephanie Beacham go, but I loved the fact that she was absolutely thrilled to be allowed to go home! What a great sport! :cheers:

I was pleased that Letitia Dean had another chance, as she has definite potential. But Alesha really stood out for me, she was sensational. :thumbsup:

Boys, I love Gethlin and Matt, and think that Gethlin will get better once he gets over his shyness. :huggles: And Dom was so cuddly and cute. :huggles:

I shall be hooked every week, just like you lot! :thumbsup:
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Me too - Love this programme.. Out of the girls I think either Penny or Gaby and not sure about the boys just yet.

Gethin and I dont mean for his dancing :wub:

How come in my day I had to look at Peter Purvis and John Noakes on Blue Peter Not Fare. Whoops giving my age away there (w00t)

Dancing wise I thought Kelly and Brendon were pretty sizzling,not sure about the danceing but they looked really good together. Thought Letichia(SP) looked wooden and that dress yuk she needs to get a looser, longer one that covers her knickers lol.

Loved Domanic as he is trying but making it fun to.

I HATE Brucy though and he really spoils the show for me. SO much so I Sky+ it and forward past him :lol: and why I am having a moan dont see the point of the Sunday show. To long and repeating to much from the Sat prog

quintessence said:
I so love this programme, and am thrilled it's back on again.  I don't know who to support, some of the girls are excellent but I do like the men this year, so many left feet.  I'm probably going to say Dom for the fellas and Penny or Gabby for the girls but I don't mind I just enjoy the programme

Crackin prog, never miss it, and the follow ups with mrs winkleman on bbc 2 i think

i reckon me n thee wud waltz through it jenny, cos i can just shift :lol:

Love this programe to.Not sure about the girls they do seem bit too competive at the moment but love Gethin mmmmmmm.Thought Stephanie made a lovely exit!!
midlanderkeith said:
quintessence said:
I so love this programme, and am thrilled it's back on again.  I don't know who to support, some of the girls are excellent but I do like the men this year, so many left feet.  I'm probably going to say Dom for the fellas and Penny or Gabby for the girls but I don't mind I just enjoy the programme

Crackin prog, never miss it, and the follow ups with mrs winkleman on bbc 2 i think

i reckon me n thee wud waltz through it jenny, cos i can just shift :lol:


I'm sewing the sequins as we speak Keith, can I take it that you will make yourself a very fetching tuxedo - minus wellies I think.

Right left together, Right, left together, Right, left together, - just practising as I sew.

talisman said:
Gethin and I dont mean for his dancing :wub:
How come in my day I had to look at Peter Purvis and John Noakes on Blue Peter Not Fare.  Whoops giving my age away there (w00t)


Snap....but I think Gethin has potential...he just needs to move those hips more :sweating:

I love seeing Brendon dance :p hope his partner does well throughout...because his dancing his hot! He's such a good dancer, he sends shivers up and down my spine :sweating:

How can you not like Bruce? :huggles:
We love strictly come dancing in this household :]

I like deano. He looks Gurddd!
quintessence said:
midlanderkeith said:
quintessence said:
I so love this programme, and am thrilled it's back on again.  I don't know who to support, some of the girls are excellent but I do like the men this year, so many left feet.  I'm probably going to say Dom for the fellas and Penny or Gabby for the girls but I don't mind I just enjoy the programme

Crackin prog, never miss it, and the follow ups with mrs winkleman on bbc 2 i think

i reckon me n thee wud waltz through it jenny, cos i can just shift :lol:


I'm sewing the sequins as we speak Keith, can I take it that you will make yourself a very fetching tuxedo - minus wellies I think.

Right left together, Right, left together, Right, left together, - just practising as I sew.


Well i hope your ready young lady, cos i certainly am, built like fred astaire, move like fred astair.

Youve forgotten havent you :( oh well enjoy the programme tonight :cheers:

keith x
Can't make my mind up yet who my favourites are ... but I certainly wouldn't be sad to see Gabby go out :oops: and i wish Letitia wouldn't keep pulling funny faces when she's dancing :b
talisman said:
I HATE Brucy though and he really spoils the show for me. SO much so I Sky+ it and forward past him  :lol:   and why I am having a moan dont see the point of the Sunday show. To long and repeating to much from the Sat prog

Couldn't agree more .......... it's about time Bruce was put out to grass, silly old sod. He has to read everything off a card or autocue now and doesn't even do that very well and not only that, he annoys OH so much that he does nothing but moan all through the programme so I have to keep telling him to shut up!! LOL!!

Kelly & Brendan to win for me, I think Letitia Dean looks like Humpty Dumpty and that Alesha is just too full of herself and OTT, she's starting to irrirate me now! I just love Anton and I do wish they would give him a decent partner!!!
OK admit it , is there anyone on here voting for Kate Garraway ? Is it you Keith?

I was sorry to seen John Barnes in the dance-off but he survived so that's good.

Erin's gone now, she's one of my favourites, but Anton's still hanging in there with Calamity Kate.

quintessence said:
I so love this programme, and am thrilled it's back on again.  I don't know who to support, some of the girls are excellent but I do like the men this year, so many left feet.  I'm probably going to say Dom for the fellas and Penny or Gabby for the girls but I don't mind I just enjoy the programme

Well i watched the dance off last night and i blarted my buggerin eyes out, at Kathryn jenkins and Andrea boceli ( sp), and what about that dark girl, forgotten her name, boy can she just move, full of it she is up front in ya face, but who can blame her what a beauty, good luck to her, still going fer gabby though
quintessence said:
OK admit it , is there anyone on here voting for Kate Garraway ?  Is it you Keith?
I was sorry to seen John Barnes in the dance-off but he survived so that's good.

Erin's gone now, she's one of my favourites, but Anton's still hanging in there with Calamity Kate.


Erin and Anton are my favourites along with Vincent.

Why do they always get the duff'ens?! Poor Erin got lumbered with Schmeichel last year, surely she deserved a better partner this time. :(
yea me the programme,

penny for the girls, and dom for the boys.

i think that the sunday eve prog. is pointless!!! aswell.
midlanderkeith said:
Well i watched the dance off last night and i blarted my buggerin eyes out, at Kathryn jenkins and Andrea boceli ( sp),
I know - it was beautiful wasn't it - had a little something in my eye by the time they were finished too. :'(

FifeJillandIan said:
midlanderkeith said:
Well i watched the dance off last night and i blarted my buggerin eyes out, at Kathryn jenkins and Andrea boceli ( sp),
I know - it was beautiful wasn't it - had a little something in my eye by the time they were finished too. :'(


A little something in my eye, :lol:
What on earth is going on? :rant: :rant:

Gabby out when she is 6th from the bottom - doesn't make any sense - what is wrong with the great British public voting for all those no-hopers - or is the whole of the GMTV audience voting for Kate Garraway? :angry:

Matt was brilliant tonight - loved his American Smooth - just gorgeous :thumbsup:

But Bruno deserved the telling off he got from the other judges for giving a 10 to Brendan and Kelly in spite of them breaking the rules :angry: - that is just so unfair on all the others who have adhered to the rules :(
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