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Caught In The Act...


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Willow is def on the mend. Up till now we have mainly avoided her jumping up on the furniture.....

Keeping an eye that she won't get caught...


Oophs, I think Mum's spotted me!


I'm so cute, you won't mind if I lie here a little longer, will you?


After that I thought it was time for a walk. We headed up to some football pitches near us with her long lead. When we got there is was so quiet I just unclipped the lead and let her go. She LOVED it. (w00t)

Her recall was excellent, coming back each time I called her. She had a great race around, it felt so good to watch her go for the first time since we've got her (over a month now).

I'm so proud of her for coming through it all and finally making it this far. We can go on "proper" walks now. (w00t)
she looks well on the mend and decidedly gorgeous. :)

it's lovely when they get their first free run after having surgery.
:wub: aww shes so cute evie :D dun you just love the iv been busted look on dogs faces
willow is sooooo cute! :wub: :wub: :wub: glad shes learning to cope so well.go willow!!!!! :D :huggles:
:thumbsup: willow :thumbsup: good on you willow for getting a comfy seat and having a great run,bet your well pleased she as recovered so quickly :))
Awwwwww, what a sweet girl she is. :wub:

Glad she's beginning to enjoy life after all she's been through.

:luck: Wishing you both lots of happy times ahead.
Willow is just gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub:

Lots of luck to you both :luck: :luck: :luck:

And sending you special :huggles: for being such a special person & taking on such a special dog. :)) :cheers:
well done, i bet ur so proud. all that time and effort has definatley paid off! shes gorgeous! :D :thumbsup:
Awww, that face. She really is a pretty dog :wub: :wub:

I suspect now she's on the mend you will have 'trouble' on your hands - just as you should with a young lively dog with irresistible eyes :D :)

Way to go, Willow :cheers:
Willow looks great, I'm so glad she found you to live with :)

Only one complaint!!!!!! Why hasn't she got a big soft cushion on that chair she's not supposed to be on :lol: :lol:
Good on you Willow!!!! :thumbsup:

She looks a really lovely girl. What great fun and adventures you have to look forward to now she's on the mend. :wub: :huggles:
its great to see willow looking so well evie :wub: what a lucky girl she is to have u as a mum!! :wub:
Aww she definitely has the "Ahhhhhhhh Factor". Bless her.
What a face - no wonder you couldnt resist her :wub:

Really pleased to hear she is doing well :D
Blossom said:
Aww she definitely has the "Ahhhhhhhh Factor".  Bless her.

Im pleased to see that other dogs cope well with amputations... as its a decision I have to make for my whippet-deerhound Scratch

Faithx :D
Scratch Is Back Home

After what felt like forever, Scratch is now back home. The operation went well and at the moment where the leg has been amputated it looks horrendous.

Scratch could not wait to get home she was walking on her three legs and had a nibble at her favourite chew stick. shes sleeping now and the whole family keep taking it in turns to sit next to her basket to comfort her. We had to nip out to get a baby gate from Argos so that she doesnt go near the stairs or any where else.

Its just healing time and rest. I will try and post some pictures tommorrow once again thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Faith Scratch and Alicexxx :)
scratchalice said:
Scratch Is Back Home

After what felt like forever, Scratch is now back home.  The operation went well and at the moment where the leg has been amputated it looks horrendous.

Scratch could not wait to get home she was walking on her three legs and had a nibble at her favourite chew stick.  shes sleeping now and the whole family keep taking it in turns to sit next to her basket to comfort her.  We had to nip out to get a baby gate from Argos so that she doesnt go near the stairs or any where else.

Its just healing time and rest.  I will try and post some pictures tommorrow once again thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

Faith Scratch and Alicexxx :)

Great to know thatit is all over and she's getting plenty of tlc at home - I look forward to seeing the pictures of her recovery - start a new thread though :thumbsup:
:wub: wow willow !!!! no stopping her now!!!

glad to hear scratch is doing well too :huggles: