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Catching Isn't Her Thing


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Thanks to everyone who has helped me so far, but can anyone help me teach Doli to CATCH A BALL!!!!

Mine can chase it, she just is too lazy or too young to catch it.
My 'orrible big fawn thing is a master of tennis ball catching off of the bounce and will retrieve if the mood suits, my little white one will run like a demon to get the ball, pick it up, dig a hole, and bury it! If I chuck one on a walk (which I don't do any-more,) the white one gets it, carries it for 1/4 of a mile in the opposite direction and drops it...............This is so much better for your figure than the Special K diet :- "
Doli1 said:
Hiya,Thanks to everyone who has helped me so far, but can anyone help me teach Doli to CATCH A BALL!!!!


If she loves chasing and retrieving the ball eventually she'll start trying to catch it ....... I always really praise my lot when they start jumping for the ball or frisbee as you know this is the start of learning to catch .... I clap and squeal "great catch" when it actually happens and praise them loads ..... Once the pennie drops there'll be no stopping her :thumbsup:
Grace is a star at ball catching, and will even bring them back! We started off with dropping things down the stairs when she was little, and giving a reward if she brought them back. Now I use one of those long throwy things which is brilliant because she adores running and gets loads of exercise in a very short time. She stops bringing the ball back when she gets bored or distracted.
Its funny how they are all different though....Oscar and Archie love chasing balls and fetching them too....but Kobi has no interest whatsoever... :lol:

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Blue is absolutely obsessed with chasing tennis balls!!! I used to sit on the floor and roll one along the hall when he was tiny and too young to go out on walks yet and he enjoyed running after it even then. Didn't take long for the penny to drop that if he brought it back to me he got another shot more quickly :D Here he is now with his ball:

ive got one thats ball mad and one that is just far too superior to even bother :lol: now rabbits on the other hand she will come and teach doli to catch them :lol:
Gypsy doesnt "do" balls...........she would rather chase her frisbe and then leave it at the other side of the park :- "