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Cat Question?


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right when we moved to this house 2 and a half years ago we had 4 cats and after 3months of staying here we decided as we have a main door and garden we would see if they want out and out they went :)

but after about 2months my cat jam would only come in every other day and not eat or drink. the lady across the road asked me one day what his name was and commented on what a lovely cat he is and just as she was saying that her husband came out and said that she had been told off by next door for feeding him as he was going in her garden :rant: so thats why he wasnt eating.

anyway after another month of him showing up less and less he eventually never came back.

up untill now i think iv seen him twice in the last 2ish years and iv never spook to the lady across the street as i know i would shout at her for steeling him. but in the last week he has turned up at my door 4times.

tonight i went out to see him he seems very jumpy every little sound his ears would go back and hed be looking about.

i got close enough to stroke him and noticed a bold patch on his back. so i went up to the house for some ham and it took him a while but he ate about 5 slices i manged to pick him up but he hissed and growelled and was not happy,

his tail was in a right state

3 bold patches on his back and neck

patchyness underneith but i couldnt see

and he has lost tones of weight

hes had a collar on for some time as his fur is all rufflled a the neck but im really worried about him now.

i really wanted to bring him in but the other 2 cats that are left were hissing and spitting at him so i dont know what to do?

technically he is still my cat and i feel fully responsable and want to help him but its been nearly 2 years since hes been gone so my other 2 dont seem to remember him.

will i cause him more stress and pain by trying to help him?

should he just be left as hes done alright for the last 2 years?

i really dont know what to do as hes a cat and they do what they wont.

any advice would be great.

as it breaks my heart to see him like that :'(
i can only say what i would do if he were mine but i would def help him, i would try and get him to my vet and take him back into my home, if when he's better he goes again then at least you know that he's heathly :thumbsup:

i would not be happy with the poeple across the road if he's in this state because of them :(

i have two cats and i would hate to be where you are right now, please let us know what happens with him :huggles:
the thing is because i have never spoken to the people accross the road and because i have barely seen him im not even sure if hes been stayin with them he could be staying with someone else but hes diffinatly had a collar on.

iv been back out but hes away again al try tomorrow im glad he ate somthing though.

i guess im a bit strange to him to, so it will maybe take a while.

thanks for your advice
I would take him to your vet & get him any treatment he needs. He may just need feeding up, worming, de-fleaing etc. All basic stuff, but if these people just wanted a cat to fuss but none of the responsibilities that go with ownership, then maybe he's not had any of these for the last 2 years.

We used to have an elderly lady down our road who "loved cats" but basically let her own cat waste away cos she didn't take him to the vet when he was dying :rant:

She then chose not to get another cat of her own :thumbsup: but started to leave food out for any other cat who wanted it. :angry: One of my friends cats ended up doing what your cat has done & more or less moved in with the old lady. Luckily my friend was only next door to her so could keep a close eye on her cat & steal her back again every now & then to give her a check over for fleas etc.

I'd definately keep your cat in for as long as poss & hope he realises where he's well off. I'm sure your other 2 will accept him again soon.

Good Luck :luck:
I agree with the above ...... take him in and rehabilitate him :thumbsup: He deserves it, poor love :wub:

Your other cats will get used to him again and learn to accept him in due course, but you will need to keep him in for quite a while so that he can adjust. Cats thrive on routine and he will get used to being home once he realises the food and warmth are with you :D

I wonder if he has been somewhere else and whoever had him has moved and just left him behind? :unsure:

Sounds as though he needs alot of TLC and basic medications :thumbsup:

Good luck with him :luck: :huggles:
The others already said it pretty much all, except about the bald patches. What do they look like like? Could it be ringworm? That is extremely contagious and difficult to treat fungal infection, it is also transferable to people, especially small children or somebody with compromised immune system.

So vet check ASAP :)
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Seraphina said:
The others already said it pretty much all, except about the bald patches.  What do they look like like?  Could it be ringworm?  That is extremely contagious and difficult to treat  fungal infection, it is also transferable to people, especially small children or somebody with compromised immune system.  So vet check ASAP  :)

i didnt really get to have a good look as it was dark and he was doing alot of wriggling but he looks more to have been in a fight and had them ripped out, but i couldnt be sure with out haveing a propper look, the probelm i had last night was i was in myself so i looked the cats in the house and sat with him outside but i could figure out how to move the cats outside and jam inside with out them all have fitts and me dropping jam and them all haveing a huge fight :( but my OH will be into night so hopefully if he comes back we can get him in the house to check him over propperly. and will see if we can get him to the vet but all depends on if he comes back tonight hopfully since i fed him last night he will come back looking for more

thanks for your advice guys this is what i wanted to do, i was just worried i would do more harm than good but since its what you would all do ill try my best :thumbsup:
Good luck :luck: maybe the folk across the road only fed him long enough to confuse him about where home was and he's been fending for himself for a while now. I definitely think he needs a trip to the vet and hopefully, once you know how his health is (and especially the cause of the bald patches), you can treat them and re-introduce him to your other cats.

All the best,

Katie having cats myself, Ive also had the same problems with people feeding them in the past....they dont know which is their home and do get confused. :blink:

I would definitely try and persuade the cat back, afterall it is your cat despite what the neighbours think. Get it to the vet as soon as possible...then maybe keep it confined from your other two cats for a while....maybe keep it in a seperate room with a litter tray until the other two get more accustomed to it being back..

Tell the people what youve done and say you are not happy with the condition of the cat and that youve taken it to the vet, and that it is YOUR cat. :angry:

Good luck Katie I hope you can get all this sorted out for the poor cats sake... :luck: :luck: let us know how you get on.
It could be ringworm or a really bad flea allergy. I would take him to the vet ASAP. Try him in a room on his own with a litter tray and your other cats will pick up the scent etc through the door. Once you are sure it is nothing serious you could try rubbing a cloth over his scent glands around his mouth and rubbing the cloth around the furniture in the house, so that your other cats gradually get used to his scent again and vice versa. Introduce them gradually or all hell may break loose or you could end up with a spraying problem. Good luck :luck:
I've only just seen this Katie. When we moved into our house we had a black and white feral cat adopt us Gizmo he got called. He regulary came into our house to be fed but rarely stayed the night .The one day he disapeared Bandit had seen him in the garden and chased him. In the house they were great with him but he made the mistake of going into the back garden.

On odd occasions we saw a cat that looked like him. Then the pub across the road was closed apparently he was taking in stray cats the pub was full of fleas Gizmo suddenly apeared again. We were told the owner had the pub had been taking in cats and when he left the cats were turned out into the streets. Gizmo was one of those cats he had been kept inside so we never knew he was only living across the road.

Gizmo was missing for 18 months so it is possible that the people across from you have Jam but are just keeping him inside and he has just recently managed to get out

I have read your post about the other cat are you sure the one that came back first was Jam and not this other female cat?

to be honest im not sure if its one cat or 2 cats or even 5 cats now because i still cant believe its not jam it looks just like him, so i couldnt say that the cat i saw last week is the same cat that was in my house last night but the cat i fed on thursday and last nights cat were deffinatly the same one :)