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Cat jealousy out of the blue


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Our little cocker Bella is almost 9 months and has been great of Late but I'm wondering if we have got to the famed teenage phase? She had suddenly started getting very jealous of the cat! She got on with the cat from the start, they are not best buddies but they sniff each other on the way by and sleep happily on adjacent furniture. The last few weeks Bella jumps up and runs over barking when the cat comes up to me for affection.... And I can't work out what's changed. Some advice says give her time out so we have started taking her to pen but other sources are saying not to reprimand as it will make the agitation/jealousy worse?!? Any advice would be a life saver?

Cockers can be resource guarders. This means they guard what they see as a valuable resource. In this case it is you.

I would not get confrontational with her. Taking it very slowly I would reward her for tolerating the cat being fussed and handled. Start slowly by just looking and smiling at the cat and give Bella a reward. Talk to the cat and reward Bella. Then reach out to touch the cat while, at the same time, feeding Bella a treat. Progress to a full on fuss of the cat while feeding Bella treats. Practice this all over the house so that it is not specific to one place.

Has Bella had a season yet? This may be hormonal but it could just be her.