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Car Sickness


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Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering if any of you had any ideas how to cure a dog with car sickness? My friends 6 month old dog is sick every time she goes out in the car! She is even sick if she has not been fed prior to the car journey. It doesn't seem to matter if she puts her in the back or the front. Maybe she will need to take her to the vet for some kind of pills. I think she is going to buy the Johnsons travel pills in the pet shop first. I have heard some dogs grow out of being sick in the car as they get older. I have never had a dog which has had this problem, but maybe it was luck.

kirsty said:
Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering if any of you had any ideas how to cure a dog with car sickness?  My friends 6 month old dog is sick every time she goes out in the car!  She is even sick if she has not been fed prior to the car journey.  It doesn't seem to matter if she puts her in the back or the front.  Maybe she will need to take her to the vet for some kind of pills.  I think she is going to buy the Johnsons travel pills in the pet shop first.  I have heard some dogs grow out of being sick in the car as they get older.  I have never had a dog which has had this problem, but maybe it was luck.


Hi kirsty, ive used sealegs for my dogs, works realy well. pop one down the throat about an hour before you travel.

You can buy them from the local chemist only cheap :thumbsup:
You could try using a homeopathic called calms. I find it really good for our lot, the best thing is they dont fight over who eats the sick :x
I know someone who had a greyhound that had to lie across the direction the car was travelling in or he was sick.

Ginger tablets are very good for car sickness.
My advice would be to go right back to square one. Take the dog out in the car for a minute or two - just out and back, stopping immediately if there's drooling or any other pre-sick signs. Work slowly up to 5 minute journeys, ten minutes etc until the dog can cope. Likewise, start on level and straight roads before graduating to Scumacher-round-Silverstone turns! :luck:
I was going to say exactly what ILKC just said - 5 minute trips each time and build it up. But do it EVERY DAY!! I found that Josie was fab in the car, then we had a gap of a couple of months where I walked everywhere with her, and boy did I pay for that in the vomit stakes :( We have now managed to conquer the sickness thing by doing little and often as mentioned before.

I've heard people say that a duvet cushions the motions and vibration, too :thumbsup:
Mine were sick or drooling every journey upto about 8 months but they just grew out of it, they are fine now any length of journey, I tend not to feed them soon before though, hope it works out :thumbsup:
When Jilly was younger she used to suffer badly from car sickness. :x But as she's got older 7 1/2 months now she seems to be growing out of it. :thumbsup: We just persevered with her taking her on lots of short journeys and stopping whenever we saw the signs that she wasn't feeling too good. She would stand up and cry sometimes drooling at the mouth.

Seems to be getting over it now though. :thumbsup:
Not sure where I read it, it might have been here, but apparently the middle ear isn't fully developed until about 8 months which can cause naausea and vomiting. My little Fynn is a terrible drooler and has puked. Keep it going like Helen said, and just put old towels under the dog to catch the vom and drool until they grow up. After 8 months, try the sicky pills :thumbsup: :luck:
Many Whippets and Borzois have this problem. i thought I had it all under control; not feeding for couple of hours before journey and only lighjt meal then. Taking them for short, gradually increasing trip. Various nausea tablets etc. But nothing worked on Callista. Finally, somebody sugested Junket tablets. Now I give 1 just before I put her in the car and she even doesn't seem to hate the car as much as she did before. :thumbsup:

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Hi Everyone,

Elaine says to thank you all for your help. She will try your suggestions. Hopefully she will grow out of it as she is out and about in the car a lot and would like to take the dog rather than leave her at home.

Some will grow out of it cos it is not true travel sickness. Others don't and I cannot see the point of them dreading going in the car and being a pain in the arse to everyone else cos they puke over everything!!!

Tried all the little trips, feeding, not feeding etc, etc to no avail with the real motion sick dogs. I have tried just about everything on the market and the only thing that works every time on every dog is Sealegs. Half a tablet is adequate for a Whippet size dog.
Hi There,

I have one Whippet that is sick every time she goes in the car. I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. So if and when she goes out in the car i alway expect it to happen, she is very good in the fact she only pukes on one side of the back seat. So i make sure the extra towels are on that side, she always seems keen to go in the car and is the first to jump in. She is now 14 months old, the only time it seems to cause a problem is if we have a show to go to, as she always seems to get her brother in the line of fire(of which i think is on purpose). She has been my only whippet that has never grown out of the car sick stage.

Sid still gets car sick :x and I am talking about journeys of about 3 miles - but I have found that it is worse if he is in his crate - if he is on the back seat he seems better for longer - although I have to sit with him with a sick-bag. I can see that pretty soon I am going to be in the crate and he will be on the front seat :- "

We are considering a harness to attach to the safety belt as there will be a problem if I am driving on my own. Still keeps me fit all this walking!!!!
Alfie has car sickness, it's totally random, feed him, don't feed him makes no difference. It can be a 10 minute trip and he throws up or we could be travelling 2 hours and nothing :wacko: He's very good in the car, lays on the back seat the whole journey quite relaxed... then throws up his breakfast and eats it again! :x
Car sickness seems to be quite a problem then! Elaine was up a short while ago and reading all your posts has made her feel a bit better :)) That sounds strange I know! She was heading down to Boots to get the Sealegs to try.

Thanks again for everyone's help :thumbsup:

Stopping for few minutes as soon as the dog starts drooling also helps. All of my carsick pups always drooled for sometime before they threw up, but Callista does not drool at all, she just digs out the bedding and then throws up such way it gets on everything, especially the unremovable carpetted parts of the car. :x

try let him chew some ginger snap cookies or drinks. it helps with my dog.

sometimes the car sickness depend on dog's mood too. so pay attention to him/her before u start the trip
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snoopy6 said:
try let him chew some ginger snap cookies or drinks. it helps with my dog.
sometimes the car sickness depend on dog's mood too. so pay attention to him/her before u start the trip

I drink a ginger "tea" if I feel sick, but somehow cannot imagine my dogs being impressed if i try to get them to drink or eat anything with ginger taste. (w00t)


Ginger tea; fresh ginger boiled for 10 min, strain and add honey plus fresh lemon juice. Drink hot or cold.