I am asking for some advice regarding epilepsy
My 3 year old whippet girl Bo has since Sept 2011 been having mild seizures - it started with her acting strange and scared and almost trying to run away from herself, This for 12 months was diagnosed numerous times by a Vet as a probbelm with her bowel and they kept blaming her diet as I feed raw food inc chicken wings she kept saying that one hadnt been digested properly and was causing her stomach complaints !
It was only in June/July that she had what we call her first proper fit which resulted in her foaming at the mouth, panting and running on the floor , so hard to describe as is very upsetting. We now realise that all those other time she was having a petimal absence
Since then she has had a couple more mild seizures of just the foaming and panting and a few of the full blown ones where she collapses and goes stiff and running.
Looking at the calandar we have done she has 1 every 2-3 weeks and as the last one was the worst we have made the decision to start her on medication. She was spayed a few weeks ago as we were advised that this may control hormone levels and may help, but sadly it hasnt.
The Vet has recommended PEXION rather than Phenobarbatol due to the possible kidney damage, long term use of the current drug and need for frequent blood tests etc.
Has anyone else had this receommended to them or have some comments they would like to make negative or positive I really am open minded.
We start the drugs today once the results of her recent blood tests are back to check her organ function.
I look forward to hearing from anyone please
:- )
My 3 year old whippet girl Bo has since Sept 2011 been having mild seizures - it started with her acting strange and scared and almost trying to run away from herself, This for 12 months was diagnosed numerous times by a Vet as a probbelm with her bowel and they kept blaming her diet as I feed raw food inc chicken wings she kept saying that one hadnt been digested properly and was causing her stomach complaints !
It was only in June/July that she had what we call her first proper fit which resulted in her foaming at the mouth, panting and running on the floor , so hard to describe as is very upsetting. We now realise that all those other time she was having a petimal absence
Since then she has had a couple more mild seizures of just the foaming and panting and a few of the full blown ones where she collapses and goes stiff and running.
Looking at the calandar we have done she has 1 every 2-3 weeks and as the last one was the worst we have made the decision to start her on medication. She was spayed a few weeks ago as we were advised that this may control hormone levels and may help, but sadly it hasnt.
The Vet has recommended PEXION rather than Phenobarbatol due to the possible kidney damage, long term use of the current drug and need for frequent blood tests etc.
Has anyone else had this receommended to them or have some comments they would like to make negative or positive I really am open minded.
We start the drugs today once the results of her recent blood tests are back to check her organ function.
I look forward to hearing from anyone please
:- )