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Can My Lurchers Race In Non Ped?


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I have 2 x lurcher girlies that weight 20kg / 44Ilbs (litter sisters) and they stand about 24"

they are a mix of greyhond x whippet with a "hint "of saluki in

So can they race in non peds?

or am i better off sticking to the lurcher days? ( i keep missing highate :( )

thanks :) :)
It depends on whether your dogs have competed with company before and if not then how old are they? If there's a non-ped club near to you, go along and ask someone who's running it and they will advise you on how to get started! go on the non-ped sub forums and see where your nearest club is. You be made more than welcome. Good Luck! :thumbsup: :luck:
ok thanks,

highgate is 5 mins fro me, and westhoughton 1 hr.

My girls are 16months now and have run a few puppy classes at lurcher shows and had a little play round at highgate. all of which they loved and did well in :)
registration might be a problem as not a recognized breeding /litter not registered??????????

highgate /westhaughton have lurcher races :thumbsup:
is it just bend racing u want 2 do or straight racing too? as most straight clubs hold their own opens and handicaps u cud race there. like deeva says ask about @ nearest club im sure everyone will b very helpful.
I have 2 x lurcher girlies that weight 20kg / 44Ilbs (litter sisters) and they stand about 24"

they are a mix of greyhond x whippet with a "hint "of saluki in

So can they race in non peds?

or am i better off sticking to the lurcher days? ( i keep missing highate :( )

thanks :) :)
Like has been said you'll be more than welcome to come and club race your dogs as most clubs across the country will accomodate them.

Whether they can competitively race with non-peds will be dependant upon their appearance and their breeding. However before you even consider applying for registration you'd want to know how your dogs faired against non-ped whippets and obviously the best way to find this out is to club race them at non-ped clubs.

Additionally, keep an eye out on K9 as some non-ped whippet racing events hold classes for lurchers. Westhoughton's BWRA Bend Bonanza usually has classes and we've got quite a following of lurchers training at the moment so I'd like to think there'll be some decent competition running on the day. :thumbsup:

Best of luck :luck:
ok thanks thats great

these are my girlies

will not be quick enough for pace of non ped
:unsure: I think that's a bit premature, if not harsh. The dogs' look in a good state of health and fitness and I'm sure with a bit of guidance as to a good training regime, they may well be able to compete with dogs' of similar capability. Let's not make him lose heart, before he's even begun! If nothing else he'll be able to have some fun and whichever club offers him the help he needs, will have gained another member. After all, a lot of clubs are struggling and we are not in the position to turn away anyone, who shows enthusiasm for our sport! IMO. :wub:
I have 2 x lurcher girlies that weight 20kg / 44Ilbs (litter sisters) and they stand about 24"

they are a mix of greyhond x whippet with a "hint "of saluki in

So can they race in non peds?

or am i better off sticking to the lurcher days? ( i keep missing highate :( )

thanks :) :)
you havent got lurchers you have long dogs. lurchers have some pastorial breed crossed with a sight hound, you should be able to run with nonpeds their all whippet greys ,and ive seen plenty of nonpeds running lurcher races so it should work the other way too good luck too ya :luck:
I have 2 x lurcher girlies that weight 20kg / 44Ilbs (litter sisters) and they stand about 24"

they are a mix of greyhond x whippet with a "hint "of saluki in

So can they race in non peds?

or am i better off sticking to the lurcher days? ( i keep missing highate :( )

thanks :) :)
you havent got lurchers you have long dogs. lurchers have some pastorial breed crossed with a sight hound, you should be able to run with nonpeds their all whippet greys ,and ive seen plenty of nonpeds running lurcher races so it should work the other way too good luck too ya :luck:
lol good spot :thumbsup:

yes they are long dogs. (that is in fact one of my bug bears - naughty me.......)
will not be quick enough for pace of non ped
:unsure: I think that's a bit premature, if not harsh. The dogs' look in a good state of health and fitness and I'm sure with a bit of guidance as to a good training regime, they may well be able to compete with dogs' of similar capability. Let's not make him lose heart, before he's even begun! If nothing else he'll be able to have some fun and whichever club offers him the help he needs, will have gained another member. After all, a lot of clubs are struggling and we are not in the position to turn away anyone, who shows enthusiasm for our sport! IMO. :wub:


there were infact only 8 months old in that photo, so have change alot since then.

They look quite greyhoung/whippety (only very good judges have ever spoteed they have a slight hint on saluki and only when ears pricked up. and thank god dont have the spread out saluki toes)

p.s - there dad was a pedigree racing greyhound that did quite well
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ok thanks,
highgate is 5 mins fro me, and westhoughton 1 hr.

My girls are 16months now and have run a few puppy classes at lurcher shows and had a little play round at highgate. all of which they loved and did well in :)
hi mate i take my lurcher to highgate and westhoughton not doing to bad best time is at highgate 15 41 and westhoughton is 16 15 come along mate its good fun dog loves it
