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Can I Post About Pet Idol On Here?


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Hi Everyone! I've been on here reading through posts, but haven't put one of my own up yet.

I've recently entered our yellow lab Gibson into an online photo contest and I was wondering if I can write about it on here.

Kindly let me know.

Have a great day! From Rachel and Gibson

Hi and welcome :D .......Of course you can write about Gibson on here :thumbsup: ......BTW Is he named after Mel ?? :)
Strike Whippets said:
Hi and welcome  :D   .......Of course you can write about Gibson on here  :thumbsup:   ......BTW Is he named after Mel ??  :)
He's named after Gibson Guitars. My partner Mitch plays guitar and we both love U2 so it was between Bono and Gibson! We got him at 1.5 year old and his name was Brandy, which we found wasn't very masculine so we changed it. :)

Are you sure I can post about the Pet Idol thingy? I'll wait and see if a few more people reply just to be sure that it's ok.

Have a great day!!

Rachel and Gibson

Gibson is adorable :wub:

I(and many more people on here, i guess) would like to hear more about this pet-idol thing. You may also get some more competition :lol: :lol:

I'd never heard of it. Let us know how your beautiful little boy does definitly
Welcome to K9.

I'm intrigued about Pet Idol tell us all about it (Simon Cowell's not in it is he) (w00t) .

Gibson looks a lovely boy, he's got gorgeous eyes.

Course you can! If people aren't interested they can choose not to read can't they? :D
(w00t) Well then, here's the scoop. We entered our 4 year old yellow lab Gibson into an online contest here in Canada called Pet Idol. He's in the most photogenic category since ... well, he's just plain photogenic!

It's over in 2 days, and we're in second place. :D What's the prize you wonder? $1000 cash!

I'm pretty excited about the whole thing, but he's 400 votes behind the dog in first. If you'd like to check it out, the website is and you can just type your email address in to vote for Gibson if you think he's photogenic enough!

If you're up to it, you can vote for the next 2 days until the contest is over on the 26th of June at midnight. Just remember that you need to verify your vote by clicking on the link in the email they send to you. Otherwise it doesn't count.

If you are a member of FACEBOOK, you can join our group too!

Well I'm off to have another look around this website! Have a great day everyone, and please let me know if this is in any way inappropriate and I will remove my post. I just don't want to step on any toes. :- "

Welcome to K9 Rachel :cheers: Gibson is lovely :wub:

Good luck with the competition :luck: :luck: :luck:
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i have just voted for the lovely Gibson :thumbsup:

Gibson was ,my maiden name :thumbsup:
hello and welcome to the forum!!! great pics of gibson :wub:
Thank you everyone! I really appreciate your help, especially since you don't know me. REALLY NICE! :D

The contest ends tomorrow (Tuesday the 26th) at midnight, so please get vote with as many email accounts as you and your family have until then! We're in second place and about 400 votes behind the dog that's in first!

Have a great day and THANK YOU!!

From Rachel and Gibson

i've voted....good luck :luck:

I love his eyes there like little crystals, are they blue? or is it just the light in the pic?
We got Disqualified!! Here's the message I got from Pet Idol:

Good Afternoon,

Unfortunately your entry in the contest has been disqualified due to violations of the voting rules. Only one vote per day per person is permitted. Security measures are in place to enforce these rules, and votes are monitored as well. As per the rules and regulations, any attempt to circumvent these measures will result in the disqualification of the entry.

The decision of the contest administration is final and not subject to review. No further communication on this entry will be acknowledged.

Sincerely Administration
Thats awful news Rachel :( Sounds a bit of a fix to me.Don't worry Gibson can be K9's Pet Idol :thumbsup: :D Karen
thats such a shame :(

they were just scared of the competition you put there way, they knew Gibson could win :(
What a shame! :(

Their loss! :thumbsup:

Chin up
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