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Can Anyone Tell Me What This Potted Plant Is Please?


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Can anyone confirm if this is a Begonia,i,m sure it is,but what to make sure as there was no name label on it.It was brought for me from one of the new puppy owners and i forgot to ask if it was a Begonia.Also how long will it flower? and any other info to keep it going!!
sorry dawn i have no clue....very pretty though x
It's lovely , I think it's a begonia . Not sure how to look after it though. Maybe google will have the answer ?
It looks more like a fancy Primula to me.
I would say its a Primula, I think begonias tend to have a double layer on the flower.

From my experience they are pretty easy to take care of and seem to last a while.

What a nice present to receive!
it looks like a begonia by the leaf shape but it aslo looks like a primrose by the flowers, either way a very pretty plant
Looks like a primular to me too. If you plant it out in the garden when all danger of frost is past, it should come up every year.
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I would almost definitely say a Primula too....its very pretty and yes can go in the garden too.. :thumbsup:

the only other plant I can think it looks like is a Pelargonium
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Sorry folks,but it's not of the the primula species.It's a geranium,and a good healthy one at that.I groq dozens of them every year,for the baskets and window boxes.It's very easily cultivated too.So you might have loads of m next year,if you take a few slip's of it,when it's bigger. ....Billy...
hi, It is Primula Obconica, very pretty and flowers for ages,, take dead heads off, keep in cool room with good light, Isnt hardy so cant be planted out sadly. jan
hi, It is Primula Obconica, very pretty and flowers for ages,, take dead heads off, keep in cool room with good light, Isnt hardy so cant be planted out sadly. jan
Not even in the long hot summer we are surely going to have? 8)
Thankyou everybody :huggles: i will look after whilst its thriving,its grown quite a bit since i had it Saturday :lol:
hi, It is Primula Obconica, very pretty and flowers for ages,, take dead heads off, keep in cool room with good light, Isnt hardy so cant be planted out sadly. jan
Not even in the long hot summer we are surely going to have? 8)

8) 8) 8) I can feel it burning me now, oh its the hot water bottle lol
Well we are having a proper winter now,so could this mean a good summer? :- :thumbsup:
Geranium, begonia, primula hybrid :unsure: :wacko:

Quick edit.. I wanted to say what I htought it was before I read the replies... here I wasn't far off LOL
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