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Can Anyone Please Advise Me....


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we have a 14 month old shitz-hu dog and even though hes a joy when hes with us his family as soon as visitors come into the house he gets very aggitated and becomes a general we are not goin to breed off 'charlie' would it be of benifit if we had him neutred ?


kinds regards
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By aggitated, what specifically is he doing? Does he just generally tear around, jump up/bark etc or does he try humping visitors legs etc? Was he socialised well as a very young pup?
EMILY said:
By aggitated, what specifically is he doing?  Does he just generally tear around, jump up/bark etc or does he try humping visitors legs etc?  Was he socialised well as a very young pup?
hello aggitated he 'humps' our visitors legs....jumps up at them and barks until he's got to be removed from the room...he has really only been like this for the last 6 months up to then a very quiet and sociable dog...even though we dont stop people visiting us because of charlies 'ways' it does take the enjoyment away from us....hes such the opposite when hes alone with us very very placid etc

Charlie is by the sound of things a typical adolescent male and in some respects it is good that he is only a small breed of dog as behaviour like his in a larger dog can be pretty hair raising for any poor visitors! If you do not intend to use Charlie as a stud dog then neutering will probably be a good option and should curb some of the "humping" behaviour, although I have never had a problem with my male dogs as the moment such behaviour started when they were very young they were sternly told off and pushed down - they soon learnt that this behaviour was unacceptable and it never became an issue. It sounds also as if Charlie needs a little more socialising with visitors and people outside your family - I would suggest putting him on a lead when people visit to begin with so that you have more control over his antics. You could try clicker training him and reward him for good behaviour - i.e. when someone comes to your house and he starts jumping up etc - sternly say "no" and if he doesn't listen reiforce the word again - when he responds use the clicker to reward him - he will soon get the hang of it! Taking him to dog training classes may also be of help as he will be able to socilise with others and see lots of people - perhaps part of his problem is that he sees few people other than your own family - do you walk him regularly in parks etc where you might meet others?

I am sure that with time, patience and perserverance you will soon have a really good little dog and visitors will be welcome in your home without being barked at, humped or jumped on!