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Callys Been Bit


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We went to the pride of the peaks show this weekend and we were all set to show cally. On the satrudat morning we were giving all the dogs a brush and tide up reddy for the next day cally and lacey were just trotting about off lead cos there very well behaved and it was an enclosed feled there were other lurchers and whippets off lead aswell no problem all well behaved playing and just mooching about and lying on the grass .

At the bottom of the feald was the fly ball teams and a coupel had some of there dogs out off lead aswell cally whent over to them. we shouted her and she came strat back and the woman of the coupel started hitting her dog with a lead as the man stood staring at us as we looked at cally she had a nice little chunk missing from her thigh.

Did they come over and say sorry or check how she was did they hell flyball dogs are supposed to be well socialied this dog odviulsy wasnt. why dont peoepl with nasty dog muzzel them. It put a real damper on the weekend as we tryed to go shopping satrday afternoon in matlock but it started bleeding again so we had to come back we couldnt show her and she was looking fabulas aswell and she couldnt have a go at lure coursing or anything and couldnt go off lead at all.

if that had been one of our dogs we would have been out with the first aid kit giving them our contackt details and even offering to run them to the vets. I will fined out who the flyball teams were and contackt each one and tell them what has happend cos i and realt feed up about it
Sorry to hear this. :(

Some people should not be allowed dogs, if they cannot control them, or even apologise for their dogs behaviour. :rant:

Hope Cally gets better soon. :luck: :huggles: :wub:
Hope Cally recovers soon. :luck: :luck: What a horrible experience for her and you. It must have really spoilt the day. :( :( They should at least have apologised and offered to pay for any vet treatment. It really annoys me when people have dogs off lead that cannot be trusted. :rant: :rant: They should be muzzled if they are not safe and certainly shouldn't be off lead when other dogs are around.

We had two incidents recently at a narrowboat rally where dogs had a go at Bobby and Dolly (who were on the lead). One was a Japanese Akita on the lead, but the owner had great difficulty holding it when it went for Bobby (OH ended up on the ground as the leads got tangled round his legs :eek: )and the other was an English Bull Terrier (off lead) hurtling towards us not looking friendly, so I picked Dolly up but it still tried to grab her leg. Luckily there were no injuries. :luck: :luck:
poor cally, hope she gets better soon :( :huggles:
Yes, you should write to all the teams at least to let them know what happened and how you feel. Hopefully the information will filter down to the offending couple and they might realise that there are consequences to that kind of irresponsible behaviour :angry: and at least writing the letter will make you feel a bit better because you're doing something positive.

Poor Cally. Hope her leg's all better soon :luck:
So sorry to hear about Callee , but those flyball dogs are so highper (sp) stood by the side watching some of the agility dogs at Birmingham ,and the owners of most of the dogs were going metal trying to get free and going for each other too (w00t)

Wouldnt trust any border collies either :eek: , my friend has boarding kennels and the dogs they get bit by most are guess what ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yep Border collies :rant:

They ( in my opinion) should be left to work on farms , rounding up sheep as they were intended to do ,

Sorry to rant on about them , but Woody ( now nearly 10 year s old ), was a nice happy friendly pup until a border collie took a chunk out of his side :rant: again ,the owner just walked off and by the time Woody had come back to me and id seen what it had done ,she and the dog had disappeard :rant: he still has a large scar on his side and a hatred of border collies and anything black/ white :angry:
funny that this should come up because I was walking Josie at dusk and a border collie shot out of nowhere like a demon and went for her from behind (she was on the lead and got the shock of her life). Luckily OH turned into a dog-beast himself, flung his arms wide, hunkered down and growled right in its face really aggressively so it slunk off. Its owner did nothing, didn't even apologise :(

Hope Cally's a bit better today :luck:
:( Poor Callie and all the racing was so much fun :)

I don't much border collies either, Tess best friend was a border from when they were puppies until one day we were walking together and something happened, we didn't see what as they were behind us, but when we looked round Tess was sitting miles away and hasn't gone anywhere near him since :(
Well the dog that bit cally was a boarder lad cross type and i have tracked one of the teams down and asked them to give me the details of who was incharge of the flyball as cally leg is still weeping theres on redness bad smell or any sines of infectiion but its weeping watery blood of she moves too fast so there could be vet bill for them to pay for at this rate :angry:
Hope you get it sorted Wendy - they should take reponsibility for it :thumbsup:

Sorry about Cally :( hope shes feeling better after her ordeal. :luck: :thumbsup: :huggles: