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Calling All Show Secretarys

Jan Doherty

New Member
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As the silly season is about to hit us I just wondered if we could help each other out with regards the Field Officer visits.

We have a field officer who comes and camps with us for the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last year at the Champ show we were picked up for having no signed grooming area. Politely told they are not a 'groomed 'dog as such but if it is in the catalogue it should be there!

Also at a show the other day Di Morgan was judging at the Field officer arrived and one of the things he asked for was written instructions for directions to the vet. These apparently should not just be available stuck to the wall but available for the people to take with them. On this one I am not maoning because that actually makes sense so we will do that for our next show.

We all know the cage rules and exercise area etc but sometimes we get caught on silly things so if we can share info it would be a bonus plus I for one pride myself that we should graded an excellent for all our shows and get hacked off when you get knocked for no grooming area :rant:
I was stewarding at the Whippet Club in April and the Field Officer wanted to see that all stewards had a copy of the KC Stewarding instructions. Our Secretary had them to distribute, but they were still on the Sec's table (Most of us have been stewarding for years, so it probably didn't seem important to him). A minor point in the grand scheme of things, but it was probably black mark on the FO's list!
:) :) My Show manager of Gloucester CS is himself a F>O will try and blag a check list of him to see whats on his duties !!
Another one that is easily over looked is the accident book......... make sure everyone on the committe knows what it is and where it is !

One of our new members got asked by a FO and didn't know :oops: