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Cage Training


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Ive been thinking about getting another puppy, and i have one whippet who is not cage trained (never seemed to need it) and another one who without it i would have got no sleep and a chewed house and now sees the cage as hers, so what do i do to cage train another puppy? Do I just get another cage per dog cos if thats the case cages could soon take up my house
I personally wouldn't put a new puppy in a crate with an established dog until they have been together generally a while anyway, I always put them seperate at first then they tend to find their own time to share.

When I got Spry Callie and Sienna were already a pair and I put her in a seperate crate to sleep then one night she went in theirs and so did they and laid down to sleep they had already accepted her by this time so I knew she'd be ok.

When Kane came again he had his own bed but this time Spry went in with him and thats how it still is now (exept at season time (w00t) ) two and two :huggles:

I have two large crates one on top of the other and they only go in if I go out and at bed time, although they spend time in their of their own accord when they want some peace -_-

People will probably have different oppinions but thats just what worked for me :thumbsup:

Good luck with your new puppy :luck: :luck:
Lesley's advice is really good. I wouldn't crate 2 dogs together that didn't know each other well - particularly a new one with an old one.

I will crate all mine together in the car, but I doubt I would crate Chelsea with anyone else as if stepped on she can snap and in a crate that could mean bad things. I wouldn't hesitate to crate the two whippets together now if I went out but it's only this year (when the youngest is 2.5) that I have begun to consider it. I don't crate any of them anymore except at shows, but at hotels if we want to go for dinner I would crate them - and Savvy and Teya can be crated together.
