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BWRA Championships


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to my knowledge you can only run in one event, we tried putting blue goblin in both vets and lb class separate days but were not allowed

you also have to be a rch for vets this year so there for dalami and mimic can not run in sidewinder
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Just been imformed from murial you can only go into one event over the 2 days racing, theres been a few dogs in the past thats tried to enter both days but they were not allowed
Can anyone please explain to me why if you have a Veteran Rch who is fit enough to run in the Championships- what rule states they cannot run in the Sidewinder Saunter also- i would be very pleased if someone could point out this rule as i can not find any reference to such .

many thanks

we tried to go in both last few years but were told no way :wacko:
Cheers Gaz ! was it showed to you by anyone in authority where it states that you are not allowed to run ?
the other thing is what about dog champs. do they go in class and vets same day no rest like the bitches bit unfair on them maybe :eek: hope this helps steve ;) as far as i remember its allways been dogs only allowed in one class ....think it maybe in the rule book too
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I would like to say yes Gary it has helped but sadly no it has not.The Sidewinder Saunter is only for those with Rch status 5years and over is the only rule i can find appertaining to it. Which after listening to people talking about the event over the weekend i thought there should be some definate clarification on the matter before the weekend not at the weekend it is to late then.Hope some kind person will throw some light on it

steve :thumbsup:
Ive asked murial on the phone and she says you can only run in one class only, she says a 32lb dog tried entering both dog class and scr the following day last year and was refused
:) yes thats right we wanted to run Hellbound in the 32lb class and put the 1lb on the next day and run in the 36lb, we did'nt run because he was injured but did ask then why theres no rule saying you can only enter one class,we never got an answer from the then committee
i think that those who want to run in two champion classes are greedy. how many bits at the cherry do you want.
Some confusion here about what i'm asking-I'm not talking about running in two different classes-Its two very seperate events i'm enquiring about-

Greedy Debbie?-rubbish! -you could say that then about each and everyone when thay enter for e.g dogs/bitches in both yearlings/adults etc-

Sidewinder saunter-open to all BWRA racing champions-5 years and over all in-(not all veterans)

So-Where does it state that you can't run in two-

All due respect to Muriel-If its not written in the rule book-then there needs to be some clarification before the event-

Its not good enough just saying that somebody last year wanted to run and was told they couldn't-it needs to be in the rules.

Not left till the last minute to be sorted-we cannot change what as happened in the past but we can alter the future-as many have found out to their cost this year.
I personally don't have a problem with dogs running in two separate events, if you think your dogs got it then why not ...but some may not like a 32lb going in both events, class and scr eg show three might decide that she can go in two seprate events her class and scr

Or what happens if the dogs in vets wants to run in both on same day

This means that any whippet could go into its class and also no limit

I do think in a whippet news a few years ago it stated only one event
This is not down to altering the weights of the dog i believe you should run in the class your weight dictates and not be putting weight on overnight to go up a class that is a completely different subject.

This is an event that is for dogs over 5 years in age- if your dogs birthday is on Monday and it is five on that day then you cant run- also you need to have the status of BWRA Rch at the time no good getting one the day after.
this page was about predictions and all it is was people condraticting themselves and talkin rubbish over nothing!, the arguments go on for ever and ever whippeters can argue black is white, (or try to) u cant run in 2 events, simple, 1 weigh 1 class. why do u have to argue it? its not hard.

and wen u running you`re dog in an open and u run in the yearlings and the adults 9.9 times out of 10 are running so the dog can get experience.

its 2 seperate events?? its the veteran champs for rch?

if it was 2 seperate events we will run the sidewinder saunter at kirkaldy and the champs at asfordby then u can run in both!

u no it makes sense! and u cant run in both so why moan and make somethin out of nothin u have never been able to run before so why now??
is it because you have meg steve and she cud have a chance at winning both is that why ure askin?
Been there asked same questions 2 years ago,can only run in 1 event over weekend,best thing to do is flip a coin on saturday morning to see what group you are going in vets or adults? 8) 8) 8)
piglet for new chairman :D

your just like you dad andy its good to see someone knows all the answers

its a shame paul and porky felt the need to resign
As andy says (Been there asked same questions 2 years ago,can only run in 1 event over weekend) :wacko:

Best thing to do is pick the best venue for you dog. :D
Piglet-I have no intentions of running Meg in both events or run her at all at the moment-

No-ones being greedy...!

Theres always someone ready to jump in with assumptions

If its the same event-why have two seperate titles/headings/rules?

I asked where the rules were.....

Never mind its always been that way so thats the way it is...

You haven't answered the question..

No-ones arguing.. only asking where the rule is

Obviously others have asked about this in the past so it can't be that clear can it?

So Mr Piglet...

which rule and number covers this??
mr piglet lol :p steve i think sidewinder came in after rule book was writen :p so we may never know :wacko: but i see what you mean about it not been stated in rules over going in 2 events . bloody hell im getting more confused lol ;)