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Bull In The Field At The End Of Our Garden


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We have a lovely old bull (plus his harem of cows and their calves) in the field at the end of our garden. He is quite old now, and seemed to be very slow getting up today and just sat there for a while, so thought I'd take a few pics of him.



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what a beautiful view you have...i must say i am rather jealous :(

but feeling better for looking at your pics, thankyou :D
The Bull reminds me of how I feel in the mornings :D


I am so afraid of Bulls but that one looks quite harmless....poor ole boy.


What a fantastic view you have from your garden :thumbsup:



Tracey X
scooter-dack said:
what a beautiful view you have...i must say i am rather jealous :( but feeling better for looking at your pics, thankyou :D

We do have a great view, but the M1 is behind the hedge so we do get a lot of motorway noise. :- "
i hate bulls,ever since i was chased by one years and hubs and daughter who was only a toddler at the time went fishing on a nice summers day.walking home we pased a farm and this bull took a dislike to us and chased us all down the path.i was carrying hubs fishing box with maggots in and trying to half carry half run with daughter.hubs was way in front with his rod and basket.he left us and ran like hell! :blink: :lol:

another time hubs was passing the same farm with his mate after going fishing again and was chased by a goat!the goat caught them and butted them over a farm gate! (w00t) :lol:
kris said:
i hate bulls,ever since i was chased by one years and hubs and daughter who was only a toddler at the time went fishing on a nice summers day.walking home we pased a farm and this bull took a dislike to us and chased us all down the path.i was carrying hubs fishing box with maggots in and trying to half carry half run with daughter.hubs was way in front with his rod and basket.he left us and ran like hell! :blink:   :lol: another time hubs was passing the same farm with his mate after going fishing again and was chased by a goat!the goat caught them and butted them over a farm gate! (w00t)   :lol:

You mean to tell me you let hubby carry his rod and basket :lol: shame on you Kris, poor man, bloody outrageous

keith :thumbsup:
Beautiful photos Sarah, He is a big magnificent old bull.... wouldnt fancy him chasing me though... (w00t)
midlanderkeith said:
kris said:
i hate bulls,ever since i was chased by one years and hubs and daughter who was only a toddler at the time went fishing on a nice summers day.walking home we pased a farm and this bull took a dislike to us and chased us all down the path.i was carrying hubs fishing box with maggots in and trying to half carry half run with daughter.hubs was way in front with his rod and basket.he left us and ran like hell! :blink:   :lol: another time hubs was passing the same farm with his mate after going fishing again and was chased by a goat!the goat caught them and butted them over a farm gate! (w00t)   :lol:

You mean to tell me you let hubby carry his rod and basket :lol: shame on you Kris, poor man, bloody outrageous

keith :thumbsup:

i can laugh about it now but i wasnt laughing at the time i can tell you! :angry: i dropped his bucket of maggots and he were going mad saying go back for them,i said you ruddy well go back for them! :rant:

we were fishing up in wales once and his rod was pulled off the bank by a fish as hed popped off to have a pee.he said he couldnt swim so wanted me to go in after it!not ruddy likely said i! (w00t)
kris said:
midlanderkeith said:
kris said:
i hate bulls,ever since i was chased by one years and hubs and daughter who was only a toddler at the time went fishing on a nice summers day.walking home we pased a farm and this bull took a dislike to us and chased us all down the path.i was carrying hubs fishing box with maggots in and trying to half carry half run with daughter.hubs was way in front with his rod and basket.he left us and ran like hell! :blink:   :lol: another time hubs was passing the same farm with his mate after going fishing again and was chased by a goat!the goat caught them and butted them over a farm gate! (w00t)   :lol:

You mean to tell me you let hubby carry his rod and basket :lol: shame on you Kris, poor man, bloody outrageous

keith :thumbsup:

i can laugh about it now but i wasnt laughing at the time i can tell you! :angry: i dropped his bucket of maggots and he were going mad saying go back for them,i said you ruddy well go back for them! :rant:

we were fishing up in wales once and his rod was pulled off the bank by a fish as hed popped off to have a pee.he said he couldnt swim so wanted me to go in after it!not ruddy likely said i! (w00t)

Well i must say kris i now look upon you in a different light :lol: not the woman ive come to know and admire :( im putting you on ignore :oops: im disgusted

click ta ta wont read ya posts no more

keith :lol:
why?cos i wouldnt go in after his rod? :unsure: keith im gutted for sure! :clown:
Have this big lad at the end of my garden,but he's not old, and he's pretty mean.He doesnt like the dog's who are at times,tara__s_leg_bite__s_004.jpg no more than 6 feet from him.tara__s_leg_bite__s_005.jpgSorry about the quality,as it was getting late.But earlier his son's came to say Good evening.View attachment 43910Sorry about the size of pic's.Just wish i had one of those 2 for the freezer.
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