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Mad Murphy

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This very rare bacterial infection transmittable to humans has popped up here in NL.

The breeder was found to have imported dogs from Russia and these dogs carried the infection with them. All the animals at the breeder found to be infected have been PTS as there is no treatment for the illness and all other dogs there have been quarantined and the business has been physically blocked so there is no chance of infection spreading from their premises, owners of recently bought puppies are now being informed of the awful chance that their dog may also be infected.

Add this to the oubreak of canine distemper just across the border in Germany and it makes the idea of going anywhere with your dogs a scarey one.

Vets here are saying the are having a hard time getting the distemper and several outbreaks of parvo under control because so many people chose not to vaccinate or titre test and leave things to chance until its too late.
The main area affected is along the southern German border with Holland and Belgium
We had been thinking of Germany for a holiday. I think keeping T away from other dogs is likely to be a sensible precaution :(
It's like measles in humans, isn't it? People believing that vaccines can be dangerous, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and that a strong immune system can deal with anything. But they're not only endangering their own children, but also others.

My brother had brucellosis as a child - I don't think the dairy we used pasteurised their milk. He was ill for a year with it:(
Terrible. The authorities here are considering mandatory vaccination for children simply because that lie about the mmr will not die but sadly kids with measles do. I think the same is true of dogs doing nothing is just not an option. Either titre test or vaccinate but to sit back and watch is playing Russian roulette.