Smooth Coat Chi's STOLEN
Shirley Orme has had 7 smoothcoat Chihuahuas stolen last night between 9.30 and 10pm. They are ALL cream/white ones, no other colours were taken and none of the long coats were taken. 1 of the bitches was pregnant. All the dogs were in the house.
Shirley lives in the Bromsgrove Area of Birmingham and if you know or hear anything please contact 01527 577130
Please cross post and add to any lists please.
No further details known other than she is doing a TV appeal.
Shirley Orme has had 7 smoothcoat Chihuahuas stolen last night between 9.30 and 10pm. They are ALL cream/white ones, no other colours were taken and none of the long coats were taken. 1 of the bitches was pregnant. All the dogs were in the house.
Shirley lives in the Bromsgrove Area of Birmingham and if you know or hear anything please contact 01527 577130
Please cross post and add to any lists please.
No further details known other than she is doing a TV appeal.