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Broken Toe


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Good evening everyone. I would like some advice please. Going back to 26 October one of my lurchers(GH/Saluki etc.) sustained a broken toe. Since that time she has been walked on the lead and in fact has not shown any lameness since about a fortnight into the problem. My question is when can I allow her to run free? Obviously the last thing I want is to return her to normal service too soon and thereby aggrevate the problem. Equally, I want to return her to doing what she likes best as soon as possible. What do you think?

Hi Chris,

we had the same problem a few years back, we gave her 8 weeks off then ran her it went again straight away, we then gave her around 6 months off but this time when we ran her we put her a support on it (a ring of rubber from the knck of a ballon but a bike innertube works as well) she ran like that for about abnother 6 months without any problem and now lure courses /works without any support and the toes fine.

the more time you give it the better with the toe being a very thin bone it takes longer to callas fully.
I would imagine it depends on wether it was a clean break or fragmented one........My Greyhound broke her toe and I set it myself, strapped it etc .......because it was a straight forward snapped bone, it set easily and she was running and catching live 12 weeks later .......Never once had a problem with that toe again ....... :luck:
hi m8 i had a saluki x gru that compound frac front toe .

the dog was in splint for 3 week and rested for six week then short hand slips for

2 week daily never had any probs with her toe after that good luck m8
Hi there, I have had dogs since I was 15, I am now 50, stop laughing bappit, in that time I have had dogs that had the odd jumped or broken toe, and seen many other dogs with the same. I have left these dogs off the road for all lengths of time imagineable, only to aggravate the problem when eventually going back to work. Now if its a bad one, I never bother trying to fix the problem, I take it to the vet, and get the toe removed. The damaged bones are removed, and the pad of the toe stiched over the front. The time for this operation to heal is about the same as it would be for the recovery of a break or bad jump, but with the bonus of having no, or less trouble afterwards, especially if the dog is a young one. I can genuinely say that the dogs Ive owned, or seen after having a toe removed were no less in ability than before the removal. One dog from Bedlington in Northumberland had one off a front foot and one off a back foot, and this bitch was one hell of a worker till the day she died at 11 years of age.

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My sisters lurcher (greyhoundxwhippet) had a big toe removed from one of his back feet. The broken toe wouldn't heel properly and the swollen joint was rubbing on the next door toe. As soon as he had the toe off, he was fine, just waited for the stitches to heel then he was running around as normal!