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Breed Advisers


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Im interested to hear your opinions on this as there is a so called advsier who has only been in the chosen breed for 3 yrs making quite a reputation with bad advice and backstabbing all breeders so they can sell their own puppies :wacko: .

Experience surely comes over many years and not in such a short space of time?
imo, no matter how long youve been involved in your particular breed, theres always more to learn. be it new methods, different lines etc. for anyone to claim absolute wisdom, especially after such a short time, :wacko:
3 yrs is a very short time to be deemed a breed advisor , well thats my HO :- "
Who has given the person the title of "Advisor"? Or did he/she make it up?
June Jonigk said:
Who has given the person the title of "Advisor"?  Or did he/she make it up?
valid point

if they have been to seminars etc etc and done a few courses and really worked in depth for the 3 yrs then ok

BUT if its just someone saying they know enough then thats a diffrent story