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Boy Mugged For His Dog

Here is a photo. It is a very distinctive dog so keep your eyes peeled when you are out and about please.



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thats bad hope the lads ok and gets his dog back these bas...s should be flogged :angry:
That's really awful - there's some real scumbags around.

The poor lad must be heartbroken.

What a dreadful thing to happen to the poor lad and his dog :angry: , lets hope he gets the dog back safe and sound.

i just hope they get the guys who done this to this wee lad sam stealing his lovely dog just goes to show that no one is safe walking there dog anywhere
I hope that catch the bxxxxtds, :rant: :rant: I feel very sorry for the young boy, :angry: di
i just hope they get the guys who done this to this wee lad sam stealing his lovely dog just goes to show that no one is safe walking there dog anywhere

Its always so upsetting to hear such news and sadly it doesnt seem uncommon. My husband was out walking with 4 of our dogs lurchers and greyhounds and a gang in a car followed him and came to a very quick stop My husband turned tails and walked away quickly to where they c ouldnt access with a car but it out the wind up him. So for it to happen to a youngster , well words, I cannot say on here.

I suppose if they can advertise the dog as stolen and missing on every available bit of media, hopefully the dog will become too hot to handle. I Really Hope that they can get the dog back asap.
what bas###ds :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: really really low , i so hope he gets his dog back
this is just awful

the poor boy hope he gets his dog back

bloody scum doing this on a anyone let alone a child
