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Boxing Day Hunt

Jan Doherty

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Just got back from the Boxing day meet of the Heythrop at Chipping Norton. The turn out was fantastic. There was a crowd of at least 300 there on foot and a huge ridden following. This wasnt just hunting people this was ordinary folk coming to show their support. The hounds were so well behaved apart from the one who took up residence at the Hotel bar on the market square. :cheers:

This was tradition at its best and I hope the other hunts got as much support.

Really enjoyed the day well worth the drive over
Good on them!! I'm afraid I was in front of the telly watching the racing from Kempton Park on Boxing Day

And didn't the real Dessie look [SIZE=21pt]FANTASTIC!!![/SIZE]
I went along to the local beagle hunt - was a really excellent turnout they were amazed at the support! Fantastic to see a pack of beagles doing what they do best :)
I went along to the Cheshire Forest meet at the Duke of Portland.....It's usually a pitch battle with about 40 or 50 antis to get the hounds and riders away safely. This year there was about a 50% increase in supporters (150?) and 1 (yes ONE) car load of antis, a middle aged couple......I heard the bewildered souls enquiring of a policeman whether or not they had come to the right place :p

The Master gave a speach to tell us that the weather had done what Blair couldn't (loud cheer from assembled company), and stopped the was very icey, and a covering of snow left from Xmas Eve. So the hunt just paraded up and down the lanes a bit, to the applause of the crowd...I enjoyed it.

What does this lack of antis mean???? I suppose it's too optimistic to think that we've beaten the bastards.....Maybe it was just too cold for them.???? The huntsmans' wife told me that in a strange way, she missed them.
The Ledbury Hunt (Herefordshire) were expecting up to 5000 spectators to support them and the show of unity against the impossible ban.

We live surrounded by fantastic countryside, in Herefordshire.

Went ferreting this morning, spotted a few foxes, hares and numerous rabbits.The wild life in these parts need controlling, I will continue to use dogs even though I will be able to purchase a rifle/shotgun and could be a useless shot causing digusting cruelty to my target/victim. Dogs are a efficient hunting asset, where the quarry are dispatched very quickly. I would add that I have more years hunting

experience with dogs and ferrets (Maybe 3 decades !) than if I bought a gun (Now to get around the Ban)and caused untold misery with poor quality shots.

I actually admire Charlie out on his dawn patrol, and in my encounters have rarely seen a fit mature fox caught, ok we do shoot them using rifles but the "Death" is instant, and must be considered humane.I would steer people towards the abbatoir if meat eaters are also -Antis ! and I bet theres millions, hypocrites.

God that feels better, Happy Hunting to all of you, and if you don,t Hunt I respect your CHOICE, you have one at the moment.Come 18th Feb I won,t !!

Went to see the Waveney Harriers gather at Bungay in Suffolk. A fine sunny day saw about 1000 supporters on both sides of the road to wlcome the hounds. The anti's were a dozen at the most and apart from their few banners and some bad language from a few their presence was an irrelevance. A great occasion! :D