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Winner of the dog CC. Miss E W NEWTON Nevedith Eefa Empra (Photo)

They also one the BCC

Sally Gibbons Won both Res CC Well Done Both!!
Judge: Mrs E Bothwell

Dog CC : 5240 Miss E W NEWTON Nevedith Eefa Empra

Res Dog CC : 5197 Mrs S M GIBBINS Oster Fen Beacon Beige

Bitch CC : 5241 Miss E W NEWTON Nevedith Eefa Empress

Res Bitch CC : 5198 Mrs S M GIBBINS Oster Fen Marcasite

Best Puppy : 5213 Mr & Mrs J HEATH Jovalswood Old Fezzwig

Best Veteran :

BEST OF BREED : 5241 Miss E W NEWTON Nevedith Eefa Empress
Thankks Mil, you did well too :D It was a tad hot, you could say the heat was intense :D :D

Well done to all, I thought the judge did a reasonable job, was very polite to exhibitors and kind to the dogs.
:D Well Done on winning your class too Karen...........Good day all round apart from the heat!! :D
I thought it was a very good day as well. I love both of the CC winners, have done since they first came out. Ronan liked the judge, he was nodding off on the table!!

And Rupert enjoyed himself, as usual!!! Is that what is known as "playing to the crowd"????? ;)

Also big thanks to Aimee's handler, who did a grand job!!! :p

The bacon roll was DELICIOUS!!!! :D
Ah - that might explain it!! We got 3rd in Novice behind your bitch - or so it said on Higham press, but I was POSITIVE you weren't in the ring with us and was wondering if I'd been losing my mind (you know what with the heat and everything LOL).

No, Wendy you are still quite sane!!! It was indeed Aimee with Millie expertly handling her. I find with the two youngsters that sometimes classes clash so from a young age Aimee has got used to other people taking her in (I wouldn't wish Rupert on anyone!!!) and she is always the perfect little angel!!! It is sometimes beneficial to have a change of handler as then the judge doesn't get bored putting up the same faces!!! ;) :p
LOL. I tried to get hubby to start working with Savannah in case I ever needed him in a pinch - I think he purposely messed up so he didn't have to. Next one we get (which won't be for a while) he is learning with her from day one so either of us can handle her and I won't take any excuses!

I wish she would be handled by someone else - she's brilliant at ringcraft if someone else has her, but in a show situation she's a mummy's girl.

:D I know that feeling Wendy, a few of mine will only show for me...............thought I had a bright idea with my latest pup, got Dessie to do most of the training at ringcraft with her..................backfired though, as she now wants to be with both of us at one time!! ie if she's in the ring with Dessie she wants to get to me and if she's in the ring with me she wants to get to Dessie..............You just can't win with some of them!!! :b
LOL - glad it's not just us newbies that experience these kinds of problems. I actually feel a lot better about it now :D

I'm just lucky having a perfect little angel in Aimee ..................... and a perfect little brat in Rupert!!!!!!!!!!!!