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Bonfire Night Tips?


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Hi all

Just to update you the vet is calling to see my little girl tomorrow so I will fill you in on what he says with regards to her being heat ect...

What I am hoping for is some tips on Bonfirenight? She is terrified off the fireworks and bangs does anyone have any tips that will help me to sooth and calm her?

Thank you and wishing you all well

dawn xx
well the last couple of nights there has been a fair few fireworks around !!!

the best idea I have found is to have the TV on or some carlming Music on and keep it on relativly high to block out the sound of fireworks,

I have stayed with Smirnoff and comforted her, (and showing now intrested in the fireworks at all so they now your not stressed about it) she hasn't been too bad thankfully !!

untill the real big-un fireworks went off !! then she started to wimper,

I hope this hopefully helps your whippy, :luck:
we always stay in bonfire night my dogs arent scared but we take the following precautions.keep the lights on and curtains closed.turn the tv/radio up so the majority of the loud noises are harder to hear.if you need to you can get a tranquiliser from your vet but myself i dont do this.we dont walk them at night in the week coming up to bonfire night as theres always some idiot who might set off a rocket or firework near to where you are and terrify your dogs. :angry: hope this helps. :thumbsup:
i give dana 2 seren-um herbal seds and a bloody big bone as she tends to get the munchies from the tablets, plus it gives her somthing fun to focus on and associate with the noise. its like irac at the mo but she is not too bothered.

last year i didnt get the tablets into her early enough, she got herself that worked up that she puked them back up... then puked all over her bone... then started with the runs cos she was terrified, but she wouldnt go out cos of the noise. ended up following her round the hall with a sheet of newspaper under her bum catching it as she went :x poor little bugger
Fireworks :angry: Ive got to have Robbie sedated with tablets :angry: :rant: I have tried the dvd (firework) and loads more :angry:

Robbies fear is very bad, but the tablets have helped this year :thumbsup:

He's still in a cage, half dopped up :( but none the worse :thumbsup:

The fireworks are still going off now :( 10.15pm ) Colt and Gizmo seem to just want to see what the bangs are all about (w00t)

If you have tried everything going, then go to your vet and get the tablets :D That's my only advice for a bad fear of fireworks :oops:

They dont know what is going on, no panting or trying to hide under the smallest of tables :cheers: ,,wish I could get the tablets too :oops: