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Bloody Stuped Dr


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ALexs is in mid test for her gcse and shes had a relaps of her crohns. shes back on the polymerick milkshake diet but as its just been started its realy realy painfull for her to take them or even drink water and the painkillers she had last time arent working. All she need for 3 weeks till the diet kicks in is differnt painkiller. she doenst want or need to go in hospital even if we could gte her there. shes not refusing going on the diet. but watching her doubled over in pain when she has it is horred.

anyone who knows alex knows she never complains or makes a fuss and is extrmily sensible. she allso wount ask for anying when she in hopitsl including painkillers and i had to stay with her every day. last time to make sure she got what she needed. so the lectured her time and time again that if she was in pain to just say and they would change her tablets. for the fisrt time ever shes done as they asked and now there ignorning her saying she will eather have to go in and lye in bed ( why theres nothing they do that she carnt and hasnt taken at home before) or she will just have to cope with the pain for at least 3 week till the diet works.

its took another hour till they decied she needed to see a dr and as we carnt get her to booth hall other side of manchetsr tonys took her to fairfeald hospital our local one( the one that was convinved last year she eather ahd an stp or eptopic pregancey :angry: ) if they transfre her to booth hall shes going to have to go on her own and stay without me with her every day as we carnt get there. but why she need to be in is beyound me and they just say cos thst what kids say when they ahve no answer cos i did cos i said so.

alex isnt your normal 14 year old she loves school works hard and this could mess up all her exmas results she gettingherself in a state over this and they promised her last year they would make sure she had as littel time of scholl as possible and would do as much as they could in eveninga and weekends for her and at home. she spent since last time catching up all her work from last years and was back to being top of everything again but she carnt catch up on missed exams
Oh Wendy, its about time something went your way my love. Stay strong and keep fighting hun :huggles:
I'm really sorry she's in so much pain and the docs need to sort that out first. Really do not worry about her exams or catching up. There are a few ways around that

a. getting a doctor's note so the teachers use past results or classwork to estimate her grade

b. taking her exams at a later date

c. taking exams/ revising at hospital with their tutors

This is a genuine medical case and the teachers should be aware of her condition. Make sure the SENCO at school is aware and is putting things in place for her eg she should be allowed to take exams in a comfy chair away from other students. I worked in a special needs department at a high school and sat with one girl who had abdominal problems throughout her actual GCSE's - she had a separate room, comfy chairs, rest breaks if she was in pain (and extra time to complete the exam) and letters went with all her exams to explain to the exam board that she might not have performed her best because of her condition.

Obviously if Alex is worried about school she will feel worse physically so make sure she knows there are ways round it - she won't be the first or last student to be ill during exams. If it is not her actual GCSEs then it's even less of a problem. Even if it is actual GCSE's,considerations should be made.

Hope this helps :thumbsup:

Just thought of something else - the SENCO can come herself or send assistants to your house to sit with her while she does exams, even actual GCSEs - we did that for a kid who was school phobic!
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doesnt it seam bloody stuped though haveing to do all that messing about when all she needs is a change of painkillers. she was offerd them last time she had an attca but said she could manedge on what she was on that time. but the pains a lot stronger this time so she needs the stronger tablets for 3 week. then she will be settled on the polymerick diet getting stuck into her exmas and test without being treetend any differnt from her frends whitch she hates. the kid just wants to cary on as normily as possibel
Sometimes the doctors just need it spelling out to them. Have you had any more news yet on whether they are transferring her? I would get quite stroppy (in a good way) and tell them in no uncertain terms that when people need hospital beds it is ludicrous that a girl who just needs painkillers is taking up a bed. Often its another doc who hasn't seen her before and doesn't want to be the one to make the decision. Just say you'll take the responsibility.

We had loads of fobbing off at school regarding Joe and it was only when I put things in writing and insisted on a meeting with people higher up that suddenly we have a meeting and an appointment with the Ed.Psych next week that we thought was going to take months. It's horrible to have to get like that but often its the only way to get things done. Is it the GP who is refusing the painkillers? Could you ask for a second opinion - sometimes just asking for one will get you the treatment you want.
Some Doctors just don't listen :clown:

Hope Alex feels better soon :luck: :huggles: :luck:

The advice you have been given here seems good :thumbsup:
not heard from tony and alexs for a while so dont know what happening but apparantly its not been a dr saying all this its been a diation and not alexs normal one eather that knows her so im even more mad. im just hoping tony does what alex wants and doenst back down like he normily does. i know the ward they want to put alex on is allways despart for bed and kids wait days to get in so why when she doesnt need one send here there its stuped
arrrrrrrrrrrrrr. tony and alex are back from the local hospital and there mad and the dr they saw is mad. why cos he says what the hell are they playing at all they ahd to do was faxs the gp with a new painkiller perscrtion cos as he said the stuff she was taking would have as much affect on her as a tub of smartys so they waisted our time the drs time and £12 in taxie fars for nothing
Glad she's sorted, Wendy! What a palaver - I thought doctors had been told to listen to parents because they know their child best?!!
what there told and what they do is compltly differnt. after all they keepd telling us for moths she was constipeted and giving her movacaol ( that whent in the bin) then she was supposed to have an STD or an exctopic pragncay and when i said she did have a boyfrend or do stuff like that i was lafed at that whent on for a week before they deceid to do blood test and found inflamotory markers in her blood and sent her to booth hall who then said it was just an infection for weeks till they did a scope and saw teh state of her insides. why all this becoues she didnt complaine or ask for apinkillers so they didnt think she was in real pain :angry: . so this time she has and she gets ignored and treeted like a muppet and me and tony are ofcoureidiots that dont have a clue whats best for alex so you just carnt win
At least she is home and hoefully these painkillers will work :thumbsup:
f**K*NG stupid F**K*NG di*ckhead nutritionist what a complete moron wasted mine and alex's time and the busy doctors at the A&E it was a 2 hour waiting time we were told to go to accident and emergency there were a lot of people that had head injurys broken limbs ect all we wanted was to change alex's pain killers we were told by the doctor there that we could have done this with our own gp all i could do was appologise for wasting there time he did try and phone booth hall up but all he got was a answer machine :angry: in all with the time it took to get to and from the hospital it was 4 hours :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
