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Blood In Stool...


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Gelert was a bit whiney yesterday; I was ill so I didn't take him out so I put it down to this. He started whining this morning, we thought it was because OH was loading the car and moving his cage around (which usually sets him off as he thinks he's going to go somewhere exciting).

He ate his dinner normall tonight, and I took him out afterwards as usual. He had diarrhoea several times, with a fair amount of blood streaking in it. Apart from this, he seemed fairly happy on his walk until the end when he lay down suddenly and wouldn't move. Whatever it was passed off after a few minutes and he got up and walked home normally again.

I'm quite worried, do I need to see a vet immediately do you think? :unsure: He's never had anything like this before.
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could have colitus(sp) my greyhound had bouts of it in her life time,and sounds the same,she had to have medication from the vets ,this was a few years ago now so dont remember what tablets she was pescribed.hope gelerts better soon.
Well he's settled and doesn't seem to be in any discomfort now, so it's off to the vet again tomorrow morning (they will be sick of seeing us; only there a couple of days ago to have the stitches out). Sorry, I don't usually panic, but it's not nice when they have a sudden change of behaviour/distress.


"A pet that has symptoms of colitis suddenly probably has a stress related colitis or a dietary indescretion related colitis (related to treats or raiding the garbage)" Never in a million years... :- " :b Fingers crossed it's just a temporary bout of tummy trouble :unsure:
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i would get it check out,just to be on the safe side,hope he get better soon :huggles: :huggles:
I agree with Dawn, I think I would take him to the vets just for peace of mind, I hope he is fine and its absolutley nothing :huggles:
Aww poor Gelert :( ......There could be a few reasons why, and it can be quite common ......I'll pm you as it'll be easier :thumbsup:
Well? Did you go to the vets and what did they say?

Hope that you didn't need to go to the vets and that he's fine now.
Couldn't get an appointment today, so having to wait until 9.00am tomorrow. It will be the senior man though; OH refuses to see the junior vets any more after one misdiagosed the broken toe.

He's still a bit under the weather, and there's still some blood appearing at the end of the stool, so I won't be happy until we've talked to the vet. :unsure:
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Good luck at the vets tomorrow. Hope he's feeling better soon :huggles:
is the blood bright red or dark red/blackish?
Hi !

Blood in the stool usually indicates an infection which a course of antibiotics will sort out. If it is a raging infection this can lead to inflamation of the bowel which will produce diarrhoea , cramps and continued blood in the stool. Blood tests will reveal if the inflamatory markers are raised. If a nasty bout of gastro enteritis this can take a long while to settle. A light, easily digestible diet will often speed this process up. Hope all goes well at the vets today :))
hope everything goes ok tomorrow :luck: :luck: :luck:

my lad used to suffer quite badly with stress realted colitis, i found giving him 'slippery elm' used to have a nice soothing effect on his irritated digestive system :thumbsup:
Oh poor Gelert he really is going through it isn't he? Good luck with Mr B., Nana's visiting him in the afternoon as I think she's a bit lame.
Thanks Artemis, that's reassuring.

Kris, it was streaks of very fresh blood, so it must be quite low down I think. He hasn't had any bones either. If it had been dark I'd have called the vet straight out. (Been through the same issue myself with doctors, trying to sort out where the bleeding is happening :x >_< :b ).

Olivia, did you have the last appointment? :- " Hope Nana's ok :luck: , see you tomorrow.
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beaker said:
hope everything goes ok tomorrow  :luck:   :luck:   :luck:
my lad used to suffer quite badly with stress realted colitis, i found giving him 'slippery elm' used to have a nice soothing effect on his irritated digestive system  :thumbsup:

stress related, im sure my dog worries, i can see it in her eyes, let me put it this way, when i put her in her cage of a morning while i take my oh to work, i can see the worried look in her, as if to say, are u coming back, i like to think i no my dogs

and im pretty sure im right.
sounds like lurcher Bryn suffers occasionally(bright red blood in the runs and sometimes just passes blood)

...all we do is starve him for twenty four ours then give him boiled chicken and boiled rice for two days with a spoonful of live Goats milk yoghurt twice a day. Does the trick every time.

Touch wood since he's been on a hypoallergenic diet he hasn't had a bout in nearly two years.
:luck: with the vet appointment hope it goes ok. And also to poor nana hope shes fine.

Im sure its ok but better to be safe then sorry. :)

hugs from Zeb :huggles:

MIL cairn gets colitis, but its like aload of jelly. :wacko:

The only think that sets him off is beef. :(
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I'd also use Slippery Elm as it usually sorts out digestive problems pretty fast.

Although I'm not a big fan of "Traditional" treatment, it may be worth giving him a wormer if he's not been done recently. If he's anything like my scavenging mongrels then who knows what :x he's eaten.

Hope Gelert is back to normal soon
Well the verdict was colitis, probably only temporary, so he's on a course of antibiotics and a chicken and rice diet. He's been having rather more chews and treats following his birthday. I'd given him a couple of quite hard chews (special vegetarian ones donated by S-in-Law :nuke: they must have been hard as it took him an hour to demolish one); the vet felt this might have made it worse too.

So, probably only a temporary upset, but will have to keep an eye on it.