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Blidworth Club Racing

john m

New Member
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Sunday October 17th is the start of the winter club racing at Blidworth, weigh in will be up to 11-00am and the handicap will be drawn out of the hat each week. Depending on the numbers attending as to what format will be used but you will get at least two runs. Trialing will be before and in the middle of racing.

Pub lunches can be ordered for when you have finished the racing, these are at a reasonable price and are very good. Hope to see you there. :cheers:
Hi John is it true for every racer that buys a meal you get a free pint ?Thats my boy! Well done and so you should be!

Steve,you have found me out at long last, but what do i do with all the ale, as you know i dont drink the stuff, was going to sell it to you at half price but with all the moths coming out of your wallet, it would turn day into night.

I may appear to be going on about the good pub food steve but as you yourself have tried and tested them, and paid for them!!! (thats another story) ;) i think you will agree that they are good. :cheers: