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Blaze Hates Football


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Now; being a supporter of the best club in the country, ( ARSENAL ) they are on the TV a lot, which is understandable,but Blaze has taken to not just leaving the room but hiding anywhere he can, i did wonder if he was a spurs supporter, however he does get very nervous even when i remain calm any suggestions.
He may be bored? Get him to watch the Wanderers(Bolton) (w00t) :cheers:

Arsenal had to beat us sometime :p
no he needs to watch manchester utd :cheers: he will never be bored :p
as members of a fantastic Gooner household our dogs have had to live with the sights and sounds and tension of football on the TV (Arsenal v Bolton on Wednesday :rant: :wacko: :sweating: :cheers: ) and I have to say, the ones who don't like it never get used to it!! Our little Zoe shakes so hard you can hear her rattling :(

I suggest you lock him in a room away from the TV, where he feels safe, maybe in a covered crate? Give him a filled kong and put a nice cd on for him :huggles:

oh yeah, DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY YORKIE!!!! (w00t) :lol: