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We're off to Blackpool tomorrow to see the illuminations. :D I've always wanted to go but this is the first time we've lived within easy day-trip distance. I know Blackpool has miles and miles of beach, but wondered if there was a best part to take the whippets so they can have a nice, safe run, without having to worry about them getting off the beach onto the prom and traffic (don't know whether it's pedestrianised or not). Hope there is someone out there who knows the area and can help. :thumbsup: Needless to say, I shall be taking my camera for nice action shots. :- "
i have a friend that lives in blackpool and when i visit i usually take mine on the beach where the illuminations actually start which is near pontins but to be honest id be very carefull as this time of the year its very busy and you do get some really stupid people that let fireworks off on the beach even in daylight :rant: if i were you id keep them on the lead especially if you dont know the area i always keep mine on and we still enjoy ourselves have a good time the illuminations are lovely you wont be dissappointed take some piccies and let us know how you get on :thumbsup: p.s the prom isnt pedestianised so it gets very busy how are you going to see the illuminations by car or tram?
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Our local train is a Blackpool train i.e. its final stop is Blackpool. 10 mins before the train was due one Saturday we decided we'd get on board and go to Blackpool (we're one minute's walk from the station :p ). It was an enjoyable day, especially as it was an impromptu visit. It's not really my cup of tea...but it's just one of those places that makes a really nice change to go and see. Shame the Blackpool tower was so expensive...we decided to give that one a miss...still I don't expect dogs are allowed up there.

I hope you have a great day...the beaches are nice...but it does get very, very busy :wacko:
Nicola said:
Our local train is a Blackpool train i.e. its final stop is Blackpool. 10 mins before the train was due one Saturday we decided we'd get on board and go to Blackpool (we're one minute's walk from the station :p ). It was an enjoyable day, especially as it was an impromptu visit. It's not really my cup of tea...but it's just one of those places that makes a really nice change to go and see. Shame the Blackpool tower was so expensive...we decided to give that one a miss...still I don't expect dogs are allowed up there.
I hope you have a great day...the beaches are nice...but it does get very, very busy :wacko:

I've only been to Blackpool once - way back in 1976 - when a college friend from Middleton (Manchester) was celebrating her 21st birthday. Can't remember much about it except that I fancied one of her cousin's friends who was in the RAF!! :- " ;)

I am looking forward to my chips and stroll along the prom. :)
gilliwigs said:
Nicola said:
Our local train is a Blackpool train i.e. its final stop is Blackpool. 10 mins before the train was due one Saturday we decided we'd get on board and go to Blackpool (we're one minute's walk from the station :p ). It was an enjoyable day, especially as it was an impromptu visit. It's not really my cup of tea...but it's just one of those places that makes a really nice change to go and see. Shame the Blackpool tower was so expensive...we decided to give that one a miss...still I don't expect dogs are allowed up there.
I hope you have a great day...the beaches are nice...but it does get very, very busy :wacko:

I've only been to Blackpool once - way back in 1976 - when a college friend from Middleton (Manchester) was celebrating her 21st birthday. Can't remember much about it except that I fancied one of her cousin's friends who was in the RAF!! :- " ;)

I am looking forward to my chips and stroll along the prom. :)

I've only been to Blackpool twice, first time was in 1965 when I got hit in the back of my head with a deck chair with a mod (mods & rockers era) :rant:

Then the second time I went I met my first wife :( I must have been a glutton for punishment :p
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I love Blackpool. I always think it is one of those 'what you see is what you get' sort of places. I have spent some of the happiest times of my life at Blackpool and one of the saddest when my dad died in Victoria Hospital. Even though I have lived in some far flung places Blackpool is my favourite town. Enjoy your chips and your stroll along the prom and say hello from me. :thumbsup:

ha ha .... think most northern people have blackpool memories!

lol, male strip clubs, nearly getting arrested, :oops: being kicked out of a BnB ...only to name a few! and im a quiet shy type :b :- " (i must state all the above isnt my usual behavior ... :eek: honest!!)
sorry i didnt see this post earlier, i live in blackpool and walk my dogs every day on the beach, like someone has already said that near pontins is best, its the sand dunes and later in the day there full of rabbits, there is a car park further down from pontins which is where i park and its behind houses and leadz straight onto the beach so even if they run back to the car their not near the road.

Blackpool is a great place but i think its beter when you arre on holiday, when you live here all the time it gets a bit boring,my eldest daughter is always moaning to go on the piers and the pleasure beach and doesnt understand that all the people who are there only come once a year and that i cannt afford to do it every weekend, must admit it was a good place growing up :thumbsup: always loads to do once your parents trusted you to go up town on your own and always plenty of pissed holiday makers to take advantage of............... did i really say that out loud o:) :oops:
maryfay said:
sorry i didnt see this post earlier, i live in blackpool and walk  my dogs every day on the beach, like someone has already said that near pontins is best, its the sand dunes and later in the day there full of rabbits, there is a car park further down from pontins which is where i park and its behind houses and leadz straight onto the beach so even if they run back to the car their not near the road.Blackpool is a great place but i think its beter when you arre on holiday, when you live here all the time it gets a bit boring,my eldest daughter is always moaning to go on the piers and the pleasure beach and doesnt understand that all the people who are there only come once a year and that i cannt afford to do it every weekend, must admit it was a good place growing up :thumbsup:   always loads to do once your parents trusted you to go up town on your own and always plenty of pissed holiday makers to take advantage of............... did i really say that out loud o:)   :oops:

We thought it was a great place, and the dogs loved it. :D We were going to stop by the sand dunes but I needed to find a toilet :b so we ended up going further along. But it worked out fine especially as the tide was out and there was so much beach for the dogs to run on. Have you seen my photos which I posted on the Whippet page? (half way down page 2 - "Muffin and Jonah" visit the beach). We intend to go again as it's lovely having all that space and not have to worry about sheep. :sweating: :thumbsup:
just looked at your pics there lovely and it looks like your dogs had fun, we havent taken the new addition to the family (izzy) there yet as only picked her up yesterday but will be going down later with them both. thats the great thing with living so close, only problem is the fact we seem to bring half the sand home with us and my cars always full of it, advantage of a convertable though, roof down driving up the sea front works better than any
glad you had a good time gilliwigs i love my trips to blackpool i have had some lovely walks with my girls one of our fav haunts is stanley park they get to go crazy (w00t)