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Blackpool & Leeds Champ' Shows

Blackpool one has been out ages, but not seen Leeds.

Debating whether to take Diamond to Blackpool or not.
Blackpool judge is from overseas too 8) Not seen Leeds schedule out yet .
Cheers for the Leeds download link, will do both Blackpool and Leeds :thumbsup:
Gosh , arnt you girlies clever :- "
I enter online now whenever possible. Save's me going to the Post Office, and worrying it gets lost or missing the deadlines. I just print off my payment and order info and I'm set.

It's soo convenient - I was really thrown recently when I had to HANDWRITE 2 champ show entries LOL

Wendy said:
I enter online now whenever possible.  Save's me going to the Post Office, and worrying it gets lost or missing the deadlines.  I just print off my payment and order info and I'm set.
It's soo convenient - I was really thrown recently when I had to HANDWRITE 2 champ show entries LOL


(w00t) , Oh no , Not hand writing (w00t) :lol: :lol: :lol:
It makes me sound like a really bad parent ..but its remembering all of the dates of birth when you get to actually writing one :b

I've just purchased the 'labels' from Riverside printing with all the dog's info on it so I can just stick it in - not even having to 'handwrite' the Open show ones now LOL.

Gosh what did I do before the computer age ROFL

I've just entered Diamond for Blackpool online and it is sooooooo much easier!

You cant make silly mistakes and will be using this method all the time in the future :thumbsup: