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Black Velvet Open

Rob Rixon

New Member
Reaction score
This is the Result for the Black Velvet Open which was run at the George Lambton Playing Fields, Newmarket, Suffolk on Sunday, 6th April 2003. The track distance was be 175 yards and with a yd/lb handicap within groups. The weight handicap is shown in brackets ( ). Non-runners shown as NR.

14-17lbs Group <5>

Race 7

Red Bonsai Bunny NR

Blu Sharp Hint NR

Whi Little Dingo NR

Blk -

Race 8

Red All is Not Lost (17) 1

Blu WCRCh Saxon Gold NR

Whi -

Blk -

Semi- final

Race 42

Not run

Race 43

Red -

Blu All is Not Lost (17) 1

Group Final

Race 67

Red –

Blu –

Whi All is Not Lost (17) 1

No Consolation racing in this group

18-20lbs Group <15>

Race 9

Red Carondias Chloe Cracker (18) 3

Blu Anubis (18) 2

Whi Songbird NR

Blk Fuller Spirit (19) 1

Race 10

Red Bakerloo Line (19) 1

Blu Minstrel Miss (19) 3

Whi Saxon Blue NR

Blk Inky Chic (19) 2

Race 11

Red Kinda Groovy (20) 2

Blu Flyaway (19) 3

Whi Blue Mountain Princess NR

Blk Dancing Queen (20) 1

Race 12

Red Final Blade (18) DF

Blu Woodleigh Gold (19) 1

Whi Tinker Tyke (20) 2

Blk -


Race 45

Red Fuller Spirit (19) 2

Blu Inky Chic (19) 3

Whi Dancing Queen (20) 1

Blk Tinker Tyke (20) 4

Race 46

Red Anubis (18) 4

Blu Bakerloo Line (19) 3

Whi Kinda Groovy (20) 1

Blk Woodleigh Gold (19) 2

Consolation semi-finals

Race 47

Red Carondias Chloe Cracker (18) 2

Blu –

Whi Flyaway (19) 1

Blk –

Race 48

Red -

Blu Minstrel Miss (19) 1

Whi –

Blk –

Group Final

Race 69

Whi Dancing Queen (20) 2

Red Fuller Spirit (19) 4

Whi Kinda Groovy (20) 3

Blk Woodleigh Gold (19) 1

Consolation Group Final

Race 70

Red Flyaway (19) 1

Blu Carondias Chloe Cracker (18) 2

Whi Minstrel Miss (19) 3

21-22lbs Group <13>

Race 13

Red Savernake Pied Wagtail (22) 4

Blu Wild at Heart (21) 2

Whi Piky Mite (21) 3

Blk Wood Nymph (21) 1

Race 14

Red Carondias Honky Tonk Women (21) 1

Blu WCRCh Red Devil NR

Whi Moss (22) 2

Blk -

Race 15

Red Delta Midnight Oasis (21) 2

Blu Pascali Angel (21) 1

Whi Cu’luath Bluebird NR

Blk -

Race 16

Red Pascali Princess (21) 1

Blu Cu’luath Storm Bird NR

Whi WCRCh Diamonds Sapphire Star NR

Blk -


Race 49

Red Wood Nymph (21) 1

Blu Moss (22) 3

Whi Pascali Angel (21) 2

Blk –

Race 50

Red Wild at Heart (21) 2

Blu Carondias Honky Tonk Women (21) 3

Whi Delta Midnight Oasis (21) 4

Blk Pascali Princess (21) 1

Consolation semi-final

Race 51

Red Piky Mite (21) 1

Blu -

Whi -

Blk -

Race 52

Red Savernake Pied Wagtail (22) 1

Blu -

Whi -

Blk –

Group Final

Race 71

Red Wood Nymph (21) 1

Blu Pascali Angel (21) 4

Whi Pascali Princess (21) 2

Blk Wild at Heart (21) 3

Consolation Group Final

Race 72

Red Piky Mite (21) 2

Blu -

Whi Savernake Pied Wagtail (22) 1

Blk -

23-24lbs Group <20>

Race 17

Red Bullet Bunny (24) 1

Blu Just for Fun NR

Whi Only the One Gunn (23) 3

Blk Delta Showing Red (23) 2

Race 18

Red Time Zone (23) 3

Blu Cool Running (23) 1

Whi The Shiner (24) 4

Blk Eye’s Dandy (23) 2

Race 19

Red Duncton Quest (23) 1

Blu Cu’luath Crazy Daisy NR

Whi Pascali Blue Moon (23) 2

Blk Magic Tilly (24) 3

Race 20

Red Charlie’s Angle (23) 3

Blu Conway Flyer (23) 2

Whi Just Wonderful (23) 1

Blk Freddie Gunn (23) 4

Race 21

Red Diamonds Ruby Willow (24) 1

Blu Hot Socks (23) 3

Whi Savernake Falcon (23) 2

Blk Beethoven NR


Race 53

Red Bullet Bunny (24) 1

Blu Eye’s Dandy (23) 4

Whi Duncton Quest (23) 5

Blk Conway Flyer (23) 2

Yel Diamonds Ruby Willow (24) 3

Race 54

Red Delta Showing Red (23) 3

Blu Cool Running (23) 2

Whi Pascali Blue Moon (23) 5

Blk Just Wonderful (23) 4

Yel Savernake Falcon (23) 1

Consolation semi-finals

Race 55

Red Only the One Gunn (23) 2

Blu The Shiner (24) 5

Whi Magic Tilly (24) 4

Blk Freddie Gunn (23) 3

Yel Hot Socks (23) 1

Race 56

Red -

Blu Time Zone (23) 1

Whi -

Blk Charlie’s Angle (23) 2

Yel -

Group Final

Race 73

Red Bullet Bunny (24) 1

Blu Conway Flyer (23) 4

Whi Savernake Falcon (23) 2

Blk Cool Running (23) 3

Consolation Group Final

Race 74

Red Hot Socks (23) 1

Blu Only the One Gunn (23) 4

Whi Time Zone (23) 2

Blk Charlie’s Angle (23) 3

25-27lbs Group <24>

Race 1

Red All Ifs and Butts (25) 3

Blu Satin Spirit (26) 2

Whi Wild Dream (25) 1

Blk Bon Bon Balloo (26) 4

Race 2

Red Happy Days (26) 3

Blu Willy Wonka (25) 4

Whi WCRCh Mahler (27) 2

Blk Duncton Legacy (27) 1

Race 3

Red Cairdean Patriot (27) 1

Blu Millie Any’Um (26) 4

Whi Tommy Gunn (25) 3

Blk Flyfox (25) 2

Race 4

Red Mad Sam (26) 4

Blu Nibbler (25) 3

Whi Star Gazer (25) 2

Blk March Wind (26) 1

Race 5

Red WCRCh Brown Eyed Girl (25) 1

Blu Amadeus (25) 3

Whi Black Jack (26) 2

Blk Cairdean Buccaneer (25) 4

Race 6

Red Top Gun Tyson (27) 2

Blu Boomerang Bunny (26) 4

Whi WCRCh I’ze Wonderful (26) 3

Blk Timer Keeper (26) 1


Race 34

Red Wild Dream (25) 2

Blu WCRCh Mahler (27) 1

Whi Cairdean Patriot (27) 3

Race 35

Red Satin Spirit (26) 2

Blu Duncton Legacy (27) 1

Whi Flyfox (25) 3

Race 36

Red March Wind (26) 1

Blu Black Jack (26) 3

Whi Timer Keeper (26) 2

Race 37

Red Star Gazer (25) 2

Blu WCRCh Brown Eyed Girl (25) 1

Whi Top Gun Tyson (27) 3

Consolation quarter-finals

Race 38

Red All Ifs and Butts (25) 1

Blu Willy Wonka (25) 2

Whi Tommy Gunn (25) 3

Race 39

Red Bon Bon Balloo (26) 3

Blu Happy Days (26) 1

Whi Millie Any’Um (26) 2

Race 40

Red Nibbler (25) 1

Blu Cairdean Buccaneer (25) 3

Whi WCRCh I’ze Wonderful (26) 2

Race 41

Red Mad Sam (26) 1

Blu Amadeus (25) 3

Whi Boomerang Bunny (26) 2


Race 57

Red WCRCh Mahler (27) 2

Blu Satin Spirit (26) 3

Whi March Wind (26) 4

Blk Star Gazer (25) 1

Race 58

Red Wild Dream (25) 3

Blu Duncton Legacy (27) 4

Whi Timer Keeper (26) 2

Blk WCRCh Brown Eyed Girl (25) 1

Consolation semi-final

Race 59

Red All Ifs and Butts (25) NR

Blu Millie Any’Um (26) 3

Whi Nibbler (25) 1

Blk Boomerang Bunny (26) 2

Race 60

Red Willy Wonka (25) 4

Blu Happy Days (26) 1

Whi WCRCh I’ze Wonderful (26) 2

Blk Mad Sam (26) 3

Group Final

Race 75

Red Star Gazer (25) 1

Blu WCRCh Mahler (27) 3

Whi WCRCh Brown Eyed Girl (25) 2

Blk Timer Keeper (26) 4

Consolation Group Final

Race 76

Red Nibbler (25) 1

Blu Boomerang Bunny (26) 4

Whi Happy Days (26) 2

Blk WCRCh I’ze Wonderful (26) 3

28-32lbs Group <16>

Race 22

Red WCRCh Steadfast NR

Blu Virtuoso (28) 1

Whi Mr Iyze (30) 1

Blk Breacombe Khamir (29) 1

(3-way dead heat)

Race 23

Red Jasper JCB (32) 2

Blu Rolling Thunder NR

Whi Recbecca’s Delight (28) 3

Blk WCRCh Fine & Dandy (30) 1

Race 24

Red The Count (30) 2

Blu Double Time (28) 1

Whi Scally Rags (28) 3

Blk Split Lips (30) 4

Race 25

Red Freeway (30) 4

Blu The Bear (32) 1

Whi Beachcomber (29) 3

Blk Mystic Rags (28) 2


Race 61

Red Virtuoso (28) 3

Blu Jasper JCB (32) 2

Whi Double Time (28) 1

Blk Mystic Rags (28) 4

Yel Breacombe Khamir (29) 5

Race 62

Red Mr Iyze (30) 4

Blu WCRCh Fine & Dandy (30) 1

Whi The Count (30) 3

Blk The Bear (32) 2

Consolation semi-finals

Race 63

Red -

Blu -

Whi Scally Rags (28) 1

Blk Freeway (30) 2

Race 64

Red -

Blu Recbecca’s Delight (28) 3

Whi Split Lips (30) 1

Blk Beachcomber (29) 2

Group Final

Race 77

Red Double Time (28) 3

Blu Jasper JCB (32) 4

Whi WCRCh Fine & Dandy (30) 1

Blk The Bear (32) 2

Consolation Group Final

Race 78

Red Scally Rags (28) 2

Blu Freeway (30) 4

Whi Split Lips (30) 1

Blk Beachcomber (29) 3

Supreme Open Final

Race 87

Red WCRCh Fine & Dandy (30) NR

Blu Star Gazer (25) 1

Whi Bullet Bunny (24) NR

Blk Wood Nymph (21) NR

Yel Woodleigh Gold (19) NR

B&W All is Not Lost (17) 2

The Black Velvet Veteran Open over 100 yards to a ½ yd/lb handicap. The age of the runners is shown in brackets ( ). Handicap shown < >

Veterans 6-7 years 14-22lbs Group <10>

Race 26

Red Morning Mist (6) <15> 1

Blu Natty Nymph (7) <18> 2

Whi Charcoal Boy (6) <20> 3

Blk Newtown Velvet (6) <18> 4

Race 27

Red Apache Star (6) <22> 1

Blu Spingo (6) NR

Whi Wing Commander (6) NR

Blk -

Race 28

Red Woodleigh Silver (6) <19> 2

Blu Blue Max (7) <19> 3

Whi WCRCh Final Harmony (6) <16> 1

Blk -


Race 65

Red Morning Mist (6) <15> 1

Blu -

Whi WCRCh Final Harmony (6) <16> 2

Race 66

Red Natty Nymph (7) <18> 1

Blu Apache Star (6) <22> 3

Whi Woodleigh Silver (6) <19> 2

Group Final

Race 79

Red Morning Mist (6) <15> 1

Blu WCRCh Final Harmony (6) <16> 2

Whi Natty Nymph (7) <18> 3

Blk Woodleigh Silver (6) <19> 4

Consolation Group Final

Race 80

Red Charcoal Boy (6) <20> NR

Blu Newtown Velvet (6) <18> 1

Whi -

Blk Blue Max (7) <19> 2

Veterans 6-7 years 23-32lbs Group <7>

Race 29

Red Shady Lady (6) <23> 1

Blu Blue Fox (7) NR

Whi Breacombe Glaaz (7) <23> 2

Blk Not So Good (7) NR

Race 30

Red Delta Lady (7) <21> 3

Blu Little Rab C (7) <25> 2

Whi WCRCh Flybynite (7) <21> 1

Blk -

Group Final

Race 81

Red Shady Lady (6) <23> 2

Blu Breacombe Glaaz (7) <23> 4

Whi WCRCh Flybynite (7) <21> 1

Blk Little Rab C (7) <25> 3

Consolation Group Final

Race 82

Red -

Blu -

Whi Delta Lady (7) <21> 1

Veterans 8+ years 14-22lbs Group <1>

Race 31

Red Midnight Blaze ( 8) NR

Blu -

(Midnight Blue awarded the Trophy)

Veterans 8+ years 23-32lbs Group <3>

Race 32

Red WCRCh VC Little Macauley ( 8) <22> 1

Blu Mr Wonderful ( 8) NR

Whi -

Race 33

Red Satin Sunset (10) <16> 1

Blu -

Group Final

Race 84

Red WCRCh VC Little Macauley ( 8) <22> 1

Blu -

Whi Satin Sunset (10) <16> 2

Supreme Veteran Open Final

Race 88

Red WCRCh Flybynite (7) <21> 1

Blu Morning Mist (6) <15> NR

Whi WCRCh VC Little Macauley ( 8) <22> NR

Blk Midnight Blaze ( 8) NR

On behalf of the East Anglian Club’s committee I would like to thank all those who helped run the event and all those owners who attended. Our next Open will be our Bend Open on 3rd August 2003 at Newmarket.

Over 100 interested people looked at the draw on these pages between the publishing date and the draws removal two weeks later.
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