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Thank's for asking Keith.She got home from hozy today,as they dont like keeping you in over the weekend anyway.This is the wife's first day home too,from last Friday,as she never left the hospital at all,since Alannah went in.It's been a realy hard and testing week mate,but thankfully,Alannah's back home ,safe and,sort of well,anyway.She is on Insulin Jag's now for the rest of her life,but it could have been worse,if we had'nt got it ,so early.Took her out for a wee walk with her pup this evening,but after about a few hundred yds,she wanted to go back to the house,as she had belly pain's,and felt a bit dizzy.This is one of the thing's we were told to look out for,so we did a blood check,and it had dropped from 11 to 4,in a couple of hour's.So not out of the wood's just yet.It will take a while for all of us to learn the rope's.But hopefully,she's over the worst,as it's heart breaking to see her having to get all the finger prick's n jag's n stuff,and having to say no,to all the stuff she want's to eat.It's hard to explain to a child ,that all the stuff she once ate and love'd,could now make her very ill,or even dead.But one thing i will say,is that she's braver than me,when it come's to injection's.She's hoping to go to Florencecourt show ,on Sunday,to show her pup,herself,God bless her. :cheers: again for asking. ...Billy...
billyboy45 said:
Thank's for asking Keith.She got home from hozy today,as they dont like keeping you in over the weekend anyway.This is the wife's first day home too,from last Friday,as she never left the hospital at all,since Alannah went in.It's been a realy hard and testing week mate,but thankfully,Alannah's back home ,safe and,sort of well,anyway.She is on Insulin Jag's now for the rest of her life,but it could have been worse,if we had'nt got it ,so early.Took her out for a wee walk with her pup this evening,but after about a few hundred yds,she wanted to go back to the house,as she had belly pain's,and felt a bit dizzy.This is one of the thing's we were told to look out for,so we did a blood check,and it had dropped from 11 to 4,in a couple of hour's.So not  out of the wood's just yet.It will take a while for all of us to learn the rope's.But hopefully,she's  over the worst,as it's heart breaking to see her having to get all the finger prick's n jag's n stuff,and having to say no,to all the stuff she want's to eat.It's hard to explain to a child ,that all the stuff she once ate and love'd,could now make her very ill,or even dead.But one thing i will say,is that she's braver than me,when it come's to injection's.She's hoping to go to Florencecourt show ,on Sunday,to show her pup,herself,God bless her. :cheers:   again for asking.  ...Billy...
your very welcome, i was wondering how she was :luck: :luck:



FROM G & H :thumbsup: :luck:
Must have missed this entirely (not on as often these days due to my own physical limitations) but do I understand correctly that your daughter has diabetes Billy?

How old is she?

I'm sure the hospital diabetic staff will have given you contacts for local groups where she can share her experiences and there must be a lot of internet groups too. It is often helpful to go to a group or join an internet one - you get loads of tips not available in any books (like you can use the ear for blood testing as well as the finger tips -I was a diabetic nurse for a while).

Anyway, sending the whole family best wishes - it certainly is a lot to get your head around in a short time. :huggles:

pm me if there is anything I might be able to do to help. :thumbsup: janet
Sorry to hear about your daughter Billy ...........I do hope she gets professional support that will help her manage this condition .........Thinking of you all Hannah :)
I know your daughter will surprise and inspire you, kids do cope better with things like this than us grown ups, When I worked in the children's hospital I was amazed by the children with diabetes as young as 5 checking their own levels etc.

I hope she soon settles and is able to keep it under control

:luck: and lots of :huggles: to her and all the family, Julie