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Ben...2 Weeks On.


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Ben's been with me now for just over two weeks and over that time I've learned a couple of things...

The huge ears, on rare occasions, are collapsable,

View attachment 13389

He loves the beach


where he likes to stalk and pounce on defenseless rocks :blink:

He also spends alot of time staring at things I can't see!!

Most of all though, Ben loves running



Chasing birds, butterflies, rubbish blown by the wind,...the wind. Chasing and being chased by other dogs. He's got more stamina than his new friend Togo the Husky, who Ben tires out before finding something else to run after.

I like it :D :D :D , but...theres now a small problem...


Ben has cut one of his pads :( and he can't run around :( :( :( .

It isn't too bad but he's been limping around & trying to get all the sympathy he can.

He has to keep the dressing on til Friday, and if he's OK, he's gonna go off like a rocket!!!

God help anything small and furry/feathery at the end of the week.
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He's lovely - and you are obviously IN LOVE :wub: which is wonderful :thumbsup: So glad you found him!
Farwells said:
He also spends alot of time staring at things I can't see!!

YES I know exactly what you mean ... I don't like it when Maisie's doing that 'faraway gaze' thing, it usually means she's completely forgotten who and where she is and is about to launch into a hyperspeed sprint in the opposite direction from me, leaving me helplessly waving a bag of cheddar lumps and chirrupping 'Maisie .... Maisie come .... COME, Maisie .... '

Welcome to our world :D

He's just lovely, so glad to see he's settled in :wub:
He is so lovely and settled so well, hope his paw mends really quick so he can get back out there (w00t)

Have you thought about lure coursing or racing sounds like he's born for it :lol:

He doesn't look too impressed in the last photo :wub:
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*Lesley* said:
Have you thought about lure coursing or racing sounds like he's born for it :lol:

I've actually been thinking about some sort of activity for Ben. Any idea where to find out about that sort of stuff? Tried searching the internet but couldn't find anything remotely local :( .


The dressing's off, and his pad is healing well :) . It shouldn't stop him for much longer now.


Ben freaked me out today by producing something :x unpleasant and bloody :x . Chewed my fingernails til the vets opened, and he's been diagnosed as having colitis :( . It hasn't stopped him from running round the house and looking generally happy with his lot :thumbsup: .

At least one good thing's come out of this week. The vet's fallen in love with him...maybe he can get me a discount :lol:
Poor Ben. Hope he's o.k. How you gonna treat the Colitis?
Got some tablets (salazopyrin) from the vets, and i've been told togive him a light diet (pasta, rice, chicken) and some natural yoghurt.

Have you had any experience of this? Gonna do a search, I'm sure sure I've seen a colitis thread on here before.

I've never experienced a dog with Colitis, but i give pasta and chicken as part of their diet and i give them a Yakult? (Sp) daily to aid digestion. Maybe someone like ILKC could enlighten you on this matter.
<toddles along> lol

Sound advice from the vet, anything gentle on tums like Chappie even would be fine. Salazopyrin should sort it, the yoghurt's grand too, and you could try something called 'Diarsanyl' - we use it loads but it's not a prescription only medicine so you might be able to get hold of it from a wholesaler or something. It's a paste supplement which helps to dry them up and generally soothes the gut from within. Really works, too!

It's just inflammation of the large bowel and usually clears up dead quick. :luck:
Thanks ILKC :thumbsup: I'll give the diarsanyl a go if I can find any out her in the sticks!

:thumbsup: So pleased he's settling down he's lovely, love the expression on his face with his bandage on!!! :teehee:
This morning was nice and sunny, the colitis has settled down and the cut pad is fine, so....

Time for some running :) :) :) :) :)


He's lovely!! How tall is he to the shoulder? In some of your previous posts he looked quite big, but in these he looks whippet sized! He looks such a happy dog :wub:
You're right, he does look smaller in those pics. Wonder why that is :blink: .

After a bit of confusion (Ben thought the tape measure was a lead and got excited!) he measures about 22.5" at the shoulder.
Cor - you're a good shot with a camera - I always end up with patches of empty grass when I try and catch my girl running from the side!
Oh wow, lovely photos, he's definitely settled in :D

Although what ILKC recommends sounds good, I would recommend Tree Barks Powder as you can mix a bit into his meal every day and it soothes the gut and slows everything down and makes sure he gets all the goodness from his food. I just think it is best to try and maintain him on a natural product rather than a chemical one.

Also, definitely recommend the live yoghurt, use this in preference to yakult or any of the other 'good bacteria' drinks as these are processed and full of absolutely tons of sugar which is not ideal for a dog (or a human for that matter!)

He looks happy as larry regardless :thumbsup: