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Bella And Toddy Having Fun


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Bella is definately the 'bestest fun'




I am living in a 'madhouse'
ha ha that last photo is fantastic - great that they can wear each other out :thumbsup:
aww :wub: :wub:

the last photo is fantastic (w00t) (w00t) :thumbsup:
:teehee: :teehee: so it's fun and games all day long at your house then :teehee: :teehee:
What fab pictures those are... :wub: :thumbsup:

You would think Bella had always lived with you... :lol:
What a pair of loonies :wacko: :clown: How lovely for them both :lol:
is she keeping Toddy out of trouble then? loving the last picture too...great to see!!!
What fab photos and lovely to see Bella so happy and obviously feeling well! :thumbsup:
Fantastic pictures!! Especially that last one :D

they look made for each other :thumbsup:
Toddy is hillarious! :clown: Youve really caught his personality there!

Brill pics, Bella looks so happy.

Brilliant action photos of Toddy and Bella. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I particularly like the last one - would be good for a caption competition. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
That last photo sums Toddy up completely. YES, HE IS THAT MAD (now will you believe me?)

Bella just about copes with Toddy :D but she does not have his astounding energy (w00t)

They are as thick as thieves and instead of one dog that creates mischeif, I now have two :wacko: :wacko:

NOTE the bells they are wearing :blink: . Bella is teaching Toddy her hunting skills :unsure: neither has great recall but Toddy lacks her sense of direction. Unfortunately, the bells are not loud enough for me to keep track of them in the dense undergrowth. I have new ones on order, supposed to be the loudest available (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Aww how wonderful to see Bella and Toddy getting on so well :huggles: That last picture is fantstic! :lol:
Fantastic pics :thumbsup:

Bella is enjoying life at last :wub:
Brilliant pictures, they are having so much fun! :wub: :wub:

I bet those bells are going non-stop :lol:
I keep coming back to look at those last two pics.......brilliant :lol: Toddy's such a clown. Love him :clown:
lovely photos :thumbsup: , we keep wondering whether to get a mate for rambo (another whippet)..