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Bella 6 Months On


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I cannot believe that it is 24 weeeks since Bella arrived.

Many of you will rememner that she was sold 'in pup' for the second time in her short life (22 months)

She was speyed within a few days of arriving as she was not too far on.

Adopting Bella has not been without its glitches.

She was a very nervous girl, terrified when I went to put a lead on her or someone rasied their voice.

She had been used for working and unfortunately, this proved to make her a genuine and serious danger to smaller dogs.

She also had a kill instinct for bicycles. :wacko:

There were many times I felt like giving up.

I am very fortunate that she is a very intelligent girl and desperate to please. It is just in the last few weeks that the corner has been turned (a lot quicker than many of my previous rescues). Lots of walks, socalisation, patience and the companionship of her 'best friend in the world' Toddy and she is a different dog. She loves to run and adores Lurecoursing and has become a happy and settled girl. She still has to wear a muzzle when off the lead and will probably always have to, but her recall is getting very good and cyclists are much less of a problem.

She has the most amazing big soft golden 'lion' eyes.

Gosh, that time has rushed past so quickly. She is just so much happier. You can clearly see that by her eyes. HUGE well done to you ( and Toddy) for getting her where she is today, she is one very lucky girl.
So pleased to hear this, Eve :thumbsup:

It could well have been the upset to her hormones which have caused a bit of grief for the last months. Her hormonal production will have gone through the same process as it would if she had whelped or had a phantom pregnancy and it can make their characters very different to the norm.

Hopefully she is well on the road to being a very happy whippet now :D
Bless beautiful Bella :wub: Well done Eve for all your patience, commitment and love towards this little girl.
Great to hear how well Bella is getting on with you. It sounds as though she has came on very well and has settled in with you. She is a lovely girl :wub:
She's a credit to all your hard work :wub:
She's a credit to all your hard work :wub:
Bella is a credit to herself, she tries so hard. I cannot believe that I nearly gave up on her.

I think that the shock of her attacking another dog really threw me. It was a first.

She has well and truly earned her forever sofa and she is loved to bits. :wub:
what a fantastic outcome, really well done to both of you :thumbsup:
So pleased that you and Bella have such a happy ending :huggles:
Oh my goodness, can it really be six months already??? So pleased to hear how well Bella has settled into the life she deserves :)
Where on earth does the time go.......Im so pleased for her...she looks a different dog... :wub:
The majority of rescue dogs come with baggage usually due to their former 'families' but, in my own experience, there is absolutely nothing to compare to seeing the outcome of a happy and well adjusted dog who might have once been thrown on the scrap heap. Well done you and well done Bella for being trusting enough to let it happen. :thumbsup:
Bella looks gorgeous and so contented. :wub: :wub: :wub: All the hard work you have put in with her has been so worthwhile - well done for taking her on and turning her life around. It's great that Bella found a loving, caring forever home. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wow I can’t believe it is now 6 months since Bella joined you.

She is very lucky that you found her and it sounds that you are very lucky to have her too.

Might be something about the name Bella - our Bella can be incredibly ‘challenging’ at times but she more than repays me with loads of love and is such a bright and clever girl, I know she is going to be an absolute gem when she is a bit older! :thumbsup:
Well done, Eve and Bella, she looks so happy and settled in that photo.

well done Eve, having met Bella she is lovely :)

She even tolerated these three devil pups of mine!