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Behvioural Help For Jacques


Wife, Mother, Nana, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Whip
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Jacques is growing up and at 13 months old he is a handsome boy with lots of life. On the down side Jacques is very highly strung and lives on his nerves. We have problems getting his nails cut, getting him to stop jumping up at the kitchen worktops and everyone else, and when out on a lead. At 28lbs it feels like 4 stone on the lead he is so strong.

He hates the car, suffers from separation anxiety and generally needs lots of support! Sam adores him and they are inseparable but a lot to handle!

If anyone has any useful tips on helping Jacques with his behaviour, please let me know. I'm sure some if it is because he was the last in the littler to go, and a very shy boy from the start. He is my 13th whip and this is the first time I've experienced such neurosis.

Annette x
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I can't offer much advice as I am currently the proud owner of my first whippet who has just turned 9 months o:) . I have been very lucky in that she is a very confident dog (sometimes too confident). However she does have her moments when she looses her nerve, such as in a crowd of larger dogs (who can blame her really). If she is afraid all I can do is make her face it, as soon as she realises I am not running away she begins to venture forward and explore until she is happy with the situation.

I can go to work and leave her, my neighbours say you don’t hear a peep all day and when I come home at lunch or at the end of the day she is still in her basket when I walk through the door. However if I am home and leave her in another room or with someone else you would think she was being hurt or was terribly ill with the amount of crying she does. I am trying to get into the habit a leaving her in another room for short periods of time each day in an attempt to get her over it but so far I am not having much joy, to be honest a lot of it is down to me because when I am at home I want her with me but in reality it is just not practical 24 7.

I will be interested to read any suggestions offered for the jumping up problem as in this respect Mae is exactly the same, if anyone is sat on the ground she especially makes it her mission to jump on them and do a little excited dance for their entertainment :clown: , the problem is not everyone finds it that entertaining. She also is a menace when it comes to stealing from the work surfaces or table, the other week I took her to visit my parents and we caught her chowing down on an entire loaf of fresh bread that had been left on the side :angry: . Yesterday she even ate a biro from the table, blue ink all over white fur, she looks a right mess.

Anyway best of luck to you, I am sure you will get some advice from here that will help.
Many thanks for the pm messages and the post above. I accept that our whips are natural hunters and thieves, and where better to find "prey" than in their "own" kitchen but it's the jumping up at people that concerns me most. Even my 7 yr old grandchildren hesititate to come thru the door now and we have to crate Jacques for their protection!

Jacques is very strong willed. Not timid but strong willed yet nervy. He HAS to be first out on the lead and in front yet even a leaf faling will cause him to bolt! He adores the family and will cuddle up with each one but still goes into pining mode when I'm not around.

I've decided to introduce him to our local training group which meets on a Sunday afternoon. The lady who runs it will give him space to relax and not ask too much of him.

We may have to sedate him to get his nails cut unless someone comes up with a better idea. He is just terrified of the clippers although Sam has never shown any fear of them.

All in all we have the makings of a good dog but he needs that extra TLC so common in whippets today. I remember my first few and they were true to type...gentle, quiet, faithful and steady. It seems modern day dogs as children get hyped up at the slightest thing!

Best wishes to all whippeteers here.

Annette x
Just looking up halti etc and came across GenCon all one neck/head/collar lead. Has anyone experience of this with their whips? It looks pretty light and easy to wear but I'm not sure about the strap over the nose although the product can be had for soft nosed dogs.

Clicker training might help him get things right? Ask when you attend training. :luck:
Just got my 10 month old whippet a head collar called " gentle leader " bit like a halti only better . It's totally fantastic and if I had got it a few months ago maybe I wouldn't have the sore shoulder I have !

She is medium sized and I got her the small size which fits well .

I would advise you to gradually get him used to the car , short journeys etc .

The separation anxiety will get better in time .

A training club is a good idea too .

I had a whippet with all the problems your boy has and more . In the end they were all sorted but it did take time . She lived to be 15 and was the most fantastic dog ever so don't give up hope :thumbsup:
Thanks for all your input. I feel so much more positive, and can see the light at the end of the tunnel now! Here are some pics of the boys...don't be anxious about the one with Jacques head in Sam's mouth...Sam is so gentle and anyway, he has to get back at pup for nipping his feet every two minutes!
The Bach flower remedies could help with calming down his nerves ....... Rescue remedy and Aspen are the best ...... 2-3 drops of both 3 times a day ......It'll take a couple of weeks to calm him ......
The Bach flower remedies could help with calming down his nerves ....... Rescue remedy and Aspen are the best ...... 2-3 drops of both 3 times a day ......It'll take a couple of weeks to calm him ......
Or you could try one of thos DAP plug in things these are good for calming a dog down

we have used this in the past with our stafford whos terrified of fireworks, this calms him enough to not sedate him it may help with your boy having his nails cut and any other anxietes he has.

My boy also used to be awfull at jumping up at people when they came in the thing we found with him was to put him away into the kitchen behind a large dog gate so he could see who came in but was not allowed to greet them first, as people would often come in and make a huge fuss of him.

After about half an hour we allowed him to join us but told the guests not to make eye contact with him or give him attention and if he did jump up at them to stand up cross thier arms and turn away from him he soon got the message not to go jumping over people untill they want him to greet him.

Hes a lot calmer when we have guests but not always hes still getting there with it an forgets himself at times but it helps as we have 3 young children and lots of other children will come round to visit to not have him jumping all over them.

The seperation part is a hard one but we found with another of our dogs who hated being left alone as a pup and would chew and distroy things when we were out or cry till we were home.

We would leave her on her own in her crate with a bone filled with meat or a kong toy with either peanut butter or corned beef inside would keep her happy for the short amounts of times we were out, we always left a tv radio on to start with so they were not left in such a quite household as we have a busy noisey enviroment.

Plus we would give her a soft toy to cuddle up with so she didnt feel totaly alone

A blanket over the top to make thier crate a nice dark cave helped as she would settle easier.

We gradually worked her up so she could do half an hour alone with out crying - then up to an hour ect ect she will now out of choice when we are going out go to her crate and settle and is happy till we come home , as im at home all day my dogs are very rarely left on thier own so we found this way of slowly building them up was the best.

All you need to do is copy the image code and paste it into your reply.

He's such a handsome lad. Some whippets are quite nervy, especially with their nails and the car. Don't lose all gets better over time. I found a covered crate in the car helped Fred overcome his car fears.
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This looks really bad but Sam just covers Jacques head softly. Never any harm done! Thanks to the member for helping with the upload. x