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Behaviour Problem


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Our 11yr old Staffy cross has recently stopped wanting to go for a walk.

He seems very depressed and hasn't barked in ages.

My sister has problems with her nerves and he is very close to her and we are wondering if it's got anything to do with that i.e he's coming out in sympathy with her?

He has lost his appetite slightly and is reluctant to eat from his bowl,although he will drink from his other one.He will eat if we give it to him by hand,but is still reluctant.

He shivers slightly and is just edgy all the time.He is a bit wobbly on his legs at the moment,but this could be something to do with the fact that he's lying down alot,rather than going for walks etc.

His routine has been disrupted due to my sister being unwell i.e she sleeps downstairs now and so does he;she can't take him for a walk during the day and i can't either as i work all day.He won't go with anyone else,just my sister and myself.Any ideas?
What a shame....hopefully your sister is in better form soon. Perhaps the dog is reacting to the change in routine. Exercise will help him and your sister - could she or yourself throw a ball for the dog, even for a few minutes every day in the garden? Even if your sister could build up to grooming the dog for a few minutes every day it could be beneficial to both of them? In your sister's situation the dog must be a great comfort to her. Maybe you could all go for a 5 minute walk round the block together for support? 5 minutes is not a long time but....... small steps are are great way to start. Hope things improve soon.
thank you for your kind words.He's not into ball games and my sister takes very good care of him in regards to grooming him.We even have a guy come around once a month to wash him,so that's not the answer really.My sister can't face going out at present due to her nerves.He is certainly reacting to the change in routine,but we don't know what to do really.He ate some human food,but not his own.It's not as if he doesn't like the dog food that we give him.

He is wobbly on his legs and shivers and is on edge and wont eat, or is reluctant to eat. I wouldnt hesitate to get him to the Vets at his age, or any age. He really doesnt sound very well at all.

While you make an urgent appoint perhaps try some lovely warm chicken meat?

Be interested to see how you get on. The oldies are so very precious aren't they?
Just to let you know,we took our dog to the vets yesterday and she said he had a brain tumour and the prognosis wasn't good.She advised that the best thing for him was for him to be put to sleep and that is what we did
I'm so dreadfully sorry- what a sad thing to happen. My heart goes out to you - it is always hard to lose a beloved pet but it seems much more painful at this time of year. Take care.
I'm so sorry to hear that the wobbles was from such a serious cause southportguy and that nothing could be done to make your lad better :(
So sorry to read your news ((hugs))