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Just wanted to know if anyone could help with some advice, we have a 7 month old whippet called Lofty and a 18 month old son. we have had Lofy since he was 11 week old. He is a good dog but sometimes a little crazy which im sure is to be expected with a pup. The problem is his biting, everytime you go to stroke him he turns around and starts biting us. i just put this down to him being a pup at first but he still aint grown out of this. it isnt a problem when he does this to me or my husband but every time my 18 month old son touches him he bites him to straight away and sometime it hurts my son enough to make him cry.

can anyone give me any advice to get lofty to stop biting so much or will he just grow out of this? i have tried telling him no once he goes to bite and when he dose bite we shout ouch to show him this hurts but none of this seems to be working.

Any advice would be very greatful
by 7 months mine have stope any biting but were realy sticked from the day they come here at 8 weeks with it. we all screach ouch very load and stop and ignore the pup not eveneye contact for 10 minets. this has to be without excetion every time he even gentaly mouths you. they soon learn it stope there fun. but you cannot forget and ask everyone who comes in the houes to do the same. thats the only advice i have sorry
Good advice from fallenangel - squealing ouch very loud lets them know it hurts and isn't just fun - you could also try teaching Lofty the 'leave' command - best thing we ever taught Blue as it works for everything - stop trying to steal our food = leave, stop barking your head off at that other dog = leave and so on, it's a nice simple command that lets them know that whatever it is they're doing, they need to stop :D
We got a rescued lurcher when she was 2 , she was a bit wild and used to do that .

We tried various things to get her to stop it and in the end the thing that worked was giving her a soft toy to chew . This sounds like rewarding bad behaviour but in the end she got the message and when she got excited and wanted to " mouth " something she went and got a soft toy herself and no more chewing on us :cheers: