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Be Carefull Buying Deoderant


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If your buying roll on deoderants allways open it and check thats its not been used. I was in the big pound store in blackpool this fella walks in past me and picks up some deodernat nothing odd about that. as i get round the next aile hes there putting it on undre his teeshirt. ok so hes hot. as i head for the till the fella walks back to the deodrenat aile and puts it back on the shelf. yuk so i tells a memeber of staff but the fellas just walking out the store . she tells her boss some fellas just sprayed himslef with deodrenat and left. NO I explain it was a role on he used and put it back :x :x :x . and wasnt the cleanst looking fella. after we all gagged i helped them fined the one he had used and there was a hair on it :x . so if your buying deodernat from now on open it and check it first you never know were its bin :x

thanks for the warning, Wendy!
Yuk, how awful is that????????? It makes you wonder what other distasteful things people get up to in shops. :angry:
If your buying roll on deoderants allways open it and check thats its not been used. I was in the big pound store in blackpool this fella walks in past me and picks up some deodernat nothing odd about that. as i get round the next aile hes there putting it on undre his teeshirt. ok so hes hot. as i head for the till the fella walks back to the deodrenat aile and puts it back on the shelf. yuk so i tells a memeber of staff but the fellas just walking out the store . she tells her boss some fellas just sprayed himslef with deodrenat and left. NO I explain it was a role on he used and put it back :x :x :x . and wasnt the cleanst looking fella. after we all gagged i helped them fined the one he had used and there was a hair on it :x . so if your buying deodernat from now on open it and check it first you never know were its bin :x

Im kinda glad i did read this post and then i aint so glad :x :x

But what a useful warning :lol: I dont use roll-on dont think i ever will now :lol:
urgh..what a smeggy sod....that is rank
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:x :x :x :x How revolting some people can be.