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BBC 3 seeking to train aggressive dogs

Antidote Productions

New Member
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Hi there,

We at Antidote Productions are producing a film for BBC 3 following dog owners who have issues with their dogs' aggression and are at risk of giving their dogs away unless they get some help from a behaviourist/trainer. Whether it be dog on dog aggression, signs of aggression shown to family members, aggression towards the postman or even severe disobedience issues - we are looking for owners with a variety of dog issues who may be interested in getting help. If you or a dog owner you know fits this description please get in touch at Many thanks.
Please tell us you are using properly qualified behaviourists? Please do not make sensationalist tv that makes people think that there is a quick fix to these, often, complex problems. It will be the dogs that suffer when people try to implement methods that make good tv but do not address the root of the problem.

COAPE and the APBC are the best placed to put you in touch with the right people. They may, however, be reluctant to get involved with productions that sensationalise issues and leave all the hard work involved on the cutting room floor.