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I'm surprised Cartman hasn't been yelling for results (w00t) .....any news yet anyone?
Someone must be home soon..! I know Wendy J was going :)
Someone,...............somewhere....................must know something...................................please? :sweating: :sweating: :blink:
Come on Karen,i can see you lurking,how did you do?
Multi Ch Airecot Ruby Rascal DCC

Suvaka Hawkwing DRCC

Nevedith Kfa Kraka BPD :wub: :wub:

Had to leave half way through the bitches, didnt want to weather was glorious!
Karen said:
Multi Ch Airecot Ruby Rascal  DCC
Suvaka Hawkwing DRCC

Nevedith Kfa Kraka BPD  :wub:   :wub:

Had to leave half way through the bitches, didnt want to weather was glorious!


Ch Sporting Field Winged Dove over Dumbriton

RCC Timeless Echo & Triken
Well Done to June & Rascal :wub: & All At Dumbriton :cheers:
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The Aphrael girls did well today.

Teya and Cleena got 3rd and 4th in a nice Puppy class

Savannah was shortlisted in a really good PGB class

Hari got 3rd in Limit and now has her Stud Book Number

So I think those of us with Aphrael whippets were quite pleased with the day (though I'm sure Dawn will tell me if I've spoken out of turn (w00t) )

well done rascal :cheers:

& all the k9ers who done so well. :thumbsup:

i mis getting over two the shows. :(

maybe i will do 1 or 2 before the end of the year :))
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Some k9ers got placed . Karen and Polly 2nd in junior ,Libbee 3rd , MaryRose 4th Class won by paul Jones `ballerina ` and Mikkee was 5th in Post Grad

I saw Dessie and Millee in the ring but cant remember if they got a plce or not :oops:

Digger was 5th in Grad Nice to met you and your OH :))

georgie was 3rd in a class , her name is something beginning with Rubin :oops:

Im sure someone must have the full results , Dawn you must have details :wacko:
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JAX said:
Some k9ers got placed . Karen and Polly  2nd in junior ,Libbee 3rd , MaryRose  4th Class won by paul Jones `ballerina ` and Mikkee was 5th in Post Grad
I saw Dessie and Millee in the ring but cant remember if they got a plce or not  :oops:

Digger was 5th in Grad  Nice to met you and your OH  :))

georgie was 3rd in a class , her name is something beginning with Rubin  :oops:

Im sure someone must have the full results , Dawn you must have details  :wacko:

Canine info has run out of bandwith so dont know when they will be there!!! didnt mark my catalogue up (w00t) cos I though they would be online when I got home but they aint!!!
The website that usually hosts the results seems to be down - or at least it is for me.

I get the front page, but when I click any of the links it does a 404 page not found error.


Snap Dawn - was checking and writing at same time as you :D
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Congrats to all who did well :thumbsup: ,but a special big congratulations to Alayna & co. for winning the RCC with Timeless echo of triken,her first i believe :cheers: :thumbsup:
Aha, I couldn't get onto K9 either. Well done to Dawn and Richard, thought you had the SBN already. Daisy was pulled out in limit and was 4th in Open.
:oops: forgot to say NICE ONE dawn & Richard for getting stud book no. with Hari :wub: :cheers:
Sorry I forgot you Juley :oops:

Dawn , what does `running out of Bandwith` mean?
JAX said:
Sorry I forgot you Juley  :oops:
Dawn , what does `running out of Bandwith` mean?

Look at it like Petrol for you car. Running out of Bandwidth is like running out of Petrol - you stop untl you pay for some more.