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Barking On The Lead! Naughty Whippet


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Hi Everyone,,

Bleu has just started to bark at other dogs whilst he is being walked round the block... :(

I can't get him to stop! hes not an aggresive dog o:) and is fine with allother dogs he plays fine off the lead and when able to approach on the lead he just has a sniff and a kiss.... But lately he has taking to barking at dogs when we walk past! :rant:

I dont like this and i want to try and get him to stop all this fuss,, i dont cross the road when other dogs approach because i feel if i do that he will never learn to just walk on by!

Any suggestions on trainning or commands... Do you think it could be because he thinks that walk is his turf??? he doesnt do it on a lead over the fields??

And i took him to southend at the weekend and he walked along just fine past other dogs loads of people and took no notice!

Whats going on??
Oh is it really that bad??? Does nobody elses whippet do this or has done this?? :blink:

Oh dear Bleu what are we going to do with you,,, well i have just enrolled him in some training classes he starts Friday night!

Lets see if that will do the trick,,,

He is such a good boy honest :) I just don't know where all this has come from :unsure:
My sisters dog used to do that, she used to take out a rattle bottle and everytime he barked she would shake the bottle and shout a very firm this worked for her, but im not saying it will work for you, just thought i would let you know :thumbsup:

im sure someone on here with more experience will be able to offer better advice :thumbsup:

good luck :luck:
:luck: im sure the trainer at your classes will be able to help :thumbsup:
Im sure they will :luck: ,,,

Hes a very quick learner and at 3years old this is the first problem ive ever had with him
Sorry i cant help you on this one but one of mine has just started doing this barking at other dogs when we are out walking, she never used to do it but all of sudden has decided she dont like other dogs when she is on the lead, she was 5 years old last week! i tell her off but she still carries on doing it until we are way past the other dog.
That is what Bleu does.... Im thinking it maybe a territory thing! Another dog on his turf,,, I dunno we will have a gang war next if he carrys on :D :D

Im going to try the bottle shaking thing suggested above,, he doesnt like sharp lound noises so hopefully i can get him to stop! I will let you know how it goes! :thumbsup:
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Alfie does this, if you suss out how to stop it let us know :D We sometimes carry a bottle of water for 'cooling' the situation :- "
If it gets really bad try water bombs (nappy sacks filled with water and tied.) Throw them at the ground in front of your dog. They will burst and your dog will get a soaking but they soon learn. :)
Have you tried taking some treats and getting his attention, then giving him a piece of cheese or something delicious as a reward for ignoring the dog and looking at you?

The problem with 'telling them off' for barking at other dogs is that it can on occassion make it worse - ie dog thinks - 'oh no theres another dog - go away or I'll get told off' and so barks further away each time and becomes a viscious circle. If however they see the dog and think 'great I'm going to get some cheese' it shouldnt have that affect.

:luck: it's worth a try anyway - it can't do any harm.
whippetsrus said:
If it gets really bad try water bombs (nappy sacks filled with water and tied.)  Throw them at the ground in front of your dog.  They will burst and your dog will get a soaking but they soon learn. :)
water bombs :lol: put some nails in why dontya, look what youve gotta be able to do is read the dog.

when the dog shows signs of barking, a quick, snatch of the lead with the word no.


Funny how its just started!!! have you always walked him in the same place? maybe he might feel a sudden need to protect you :- " when hes on the lead how do you hold the lead? have you got him on a tight reign? or is the lead quite relaxed ? apparently, if you hold the lead tight the dog feels tension and he thinks you want him to protect you

its just a thought because you say when hes not on the lead hes fine

Good luck :luck:
midlanderkeith said:
whippetsrus said:
If it gets really bad try water bombs (nappy sacks filled with water and tied.)  Throw them at the ground in front of your dog.  They will burst and your dog will get a soaking but they soon learn. :)
water bombs :lol: put some nails in why dontya, look what youve gotta be able to do is read the dog.

when the dog shows signs of barking, a quick, snatch of the lead with the word no.



Depends how bad it is, some dogs won't respond to a simple 'No' and a tug on the lead.
Well he never use to have a problem so i held the lead relaxed but he just started pulling and barking.. I dont get it :wacko:

I will try the treats but hes funny he doesnt normally except treats outside the house unless its been kicking around the pavement for a while :)

He does this clever thing where he wont eat as a guilt trip on me, does that make any sense :unsure:

Example like....i wanna clip his nails he wont except treats then because he feels like hes giving in...

If i make him sit at a road he wont except a treat after because its like im not going to let you think i wanna do that again so i refuse to take it...

Its weird i can't explain :teehee: :wacko: :teehee: :wacko:
whippetsrus said:
midlanderkeith said:
whippetsrus said:
If it gets really bad try water bombs (nappy sacks filled with water and tied.)  Throw them at the ground in front of your dog.  They will burst and your dog will get a soaking but they soon learn. :)
water bombs :lol: put some nails in why dontya, look what youve gotta be able to do is read the dog.

when the dog shows signs of barking, a quick, snatch of the lead with the word no.



Depends how bad it is, some dogs won't respond to a simple 'No' and a tug on the lead.

But as the poster states, took dog to southend walked past other dogs no problem, so not just some other dog eh, this is an easy problem to solve

Hu, The reason he wont accept treats is because he is feeling under pressure and is stressed. I agree with Keith you need to read his intentions and distract him with a snatch on the lead before he focuses on the dog. Jan
if hes only behaving like this when you walk him on your regular route and not when you took him to southend which is a strange place it might be a territorial issue :- "
..I would suggest varying the route to keep it interesting and less predictable. The training classes may help but I would discuss with the trainer as its best not to put him in a potentially stressful sitaution....I have used a technique which worked very well with my lurcher who can be grumpy when other dogs are out on our block walk..

Take some treats and only use these on the walk. ie cooked lambs liver or stroong smelling cheese or hot dogs...

Before you leave the house ask him to sit and say you are going walking

Then make a click click noise and if he is focussed on you reward him..he has to stay in the sit for this time. Say thank you to him when he sits.Then leave the house.

If you come across any dogs..tell him its ok in an upbeat positive tone. ask him to sit..pause and do the click click noise and reward him for looking and focussing on you. Once the other dog has passed walk on. I found quite quickly I could use this method not just around other dogs but anything that I knew may spook or concern my dog. By asking him to sit you are saying in a suble are looking after him which re-enforces that you are relaxed about the situation and he will pick up on this in your tone of voice... above all dont tense up when you see a dog in the distance..stay calm and relaxed and he probably will too..

Have a go and see what you think. My dogs confidence has grown so much with this method..and we have some great relaxed walks around the block confident that what ever we may come across he can handle...