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Barf Books


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I am still finding my feet with my new puppy, now almost 11 weeks old! He is truly beautiful. . ..have tried to add a piccy, not sure if it will work! :blink:

I have been hearing good things about the barf diet, and want my dog to have the best diet possible, so doing my research first just to see how it is done!

He has quite a varied diet already, on burns complete as well as egg/fish, weetabix and either rice/pasta with either chicken/beef/tuna. He still eats 5 meals per day, but seems a lot, i guess they use up so much energy with growing, playing and sleeping!

Any feeding advice gratefully recieed. . .barf vs complete, or both?

Cheers :) :) :)
I feed BARF mostly, but they do get cooked chicken, fish and meat too and pasta/ rice and lots of veggies. Also tinned sardines and tuna and pichards, and eggs.

I like the info on this link too about BARF feeding... :thumbsup:
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Absolutely LOADS about this in the FAQ forum :thumbsup: probably a whole book's-worth of old threads, questions and debates about BARF vs complete. I'd really recommend taking a look there.

Click here for FAQ feeding topics