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Bappits Birthday


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:clown: :cheers: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAPPIT :cheers: :clown:
Thanks Loopy :cheers:

Dox. Never mind the good wishes, wheres the presents :- "
Hope you had a good one with nice pressies? What did you get?

My eldest son is 18 on Saturday and I haven't had time to get him a present yet. Think he wants mostly money but feel compelled to wrap SOMETHING up for him. Think I'll get him a new razor (altho barely needs one but does look a little bristly sometimes :) ). Only trouble is finding time as have to walk doglets at lunch these days cos too dark after work.
Well Loopy, in answer...Hee Haw from my elsest son (19), same but in different size and colour from younger son(16) :rant: Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, they dont have spare money at the moment see ('cos of course I move my birthday every year just so they cant plan for it :- " ), actually I told them not to - as our tastes are errr, different :p just they took me a little literally :blink: did'nt mean no flowers or chocolates or wine :rant: just no 'proper' presents (ooh, you know what I mean...just wait till there birthdays come around :D )!

Twin girls (9)gave me lots of lovely little things they'd made or chosen by themselves :wub:

For the life of me cant remember dropping any hints about necklaces :blink: but for some unknown reason my three closest friends bought me necklaces, as did my brother :wacko: Em, one of the necklaces is not to my taste at all, but I'm not saying which :- " as at least it was from a man in my life...(even if he's my sister in laws husband :lol: ), it is the thought after all. :thumbsup:

If you give your son even a disposable bic one, its more than my two will be getting for theirs when the time comes :angry: Hope he has a lovely time your son when it does come around :cheers:

How could I forget, one of my dear (non-doggy) friends' bought me the most lovely deerhound print...away getting framed at moment...was very touched by that :wub:
Aw :huggles: , thanks for that Elizabeth :thumbsup: Not one rocking horse i got you know :- " still gotta be good stuff ...not like I did get one and it escaped before i got up and left a trail of rocking horse poo :lol: :lol: :lol:

:oops: Sorry obscure reference to a rudish joke (think it was a joke anyway :blink: maybe it was a warning :nuke: ) me Dad told me about a boy who kept swearing and his Dad said if he did'nt stop he would'nt get for Christmas what he was after...which was a rocking horse (apt for you :D -regarding rocking horses, not bad language of course), anyways, he did'nt stop swearing and come Christmas morning all that was in his stocking was a pile of steaming horse poo, to which he exclaimed "OH f**k I got one but the B*$t**d got away".
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Someone was selling some on ebay - otherwise known as sawdust!! My father was always going to get me a pony for xmas - oddly they always caught a cold on xmas eve and weren't well enought to come and live with us :eek: :- "

bappit said:
Aw :huggles: , thanks for that Elizabeth :thumbsup: Not one rocking horse i got you know :- "  still gotta be good stuff ...not like I did get one and it escaped before i got up and left a trail of rocking horse