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Bandit On The Run Indoors...

hes feisty isnt he!loves playing too! :lol:
what a character he is :clown: :D

BTW,I love your sound effects :lol:
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he looks a lively lad :clown: .......enjoyed watching him. :thumbsup:
Bandit is so cool..I've watched it a couple of times... he's just so cute 'n' comical :wub: (w00t)



Tracey x
:blink: is that a new sport :unsure: how far you can skid a ferret across the floor :- " :lol:
They just lurve them laminate floors dont they, mine go for yards on em :lol:
:( aww not fair i cant see my flash player thingy aint working :rant:
hes so cute :wub: ,what a little livewire :lol:
Is there anything funnier than the chunnering noise they make?! (w00t) The polecat I used to have would go mental if you clapped your hands and it used to give Buffy leggers around the garden! :teehee: Thanks John I forgot how much fun these little chaps are. :wub:
had some laugh watchin that! lol! that ferrets a bit like its owner..not wise in the head!! o and john..them noises..i dunno! Lol :- "
aw i :wub: it

da boys thought it wz class.

grants should be gtin his in another 3 wks ,hes callin it lucky cause it wz da only 1 dat survied da litter. colin not all dat kingon them hes scared of

dont think da pigeons r 2 keen on sharein der garden with it either :- "

