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Bally Boy


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Ihave just got home after a 6hr. drive and hopefully Sam (Bally Boy) will be ok.I cannot see my own vet as it being bank holiday but the vet at chestrfield was marvellous. He gave Sam injections and painkiller which gave him a reasonable nights sleep. However he whimpered all the way home but on my many stops he managed to walk, although very tottery. Chesterfield vet seems to think its either a trapped nerve or disc out in back. Goodness knows whyhefellinhisrace,hehasneverdoneanythinglikethatbefore.

Many thanks to the many kind folk who helped me, especially Maureen who took me to the vets, Andrea who took my other dogs in, Tony Cooper for picking Sam up quickly and especially Tony Tent, who was a very kind man and gave Sam a great confidence before I could get to the vet. I was in such a state and its one of those things you never want to see one of your (or otherpeoples)dogs go through. Linda and Les were marvellous and helpedme in the travel lodge where I was staying and Sharon for her help.

Hope the other two dogs are getting on alright,will write more afterI seemy vet tommorow
all the best with sam,thats the dark side of our sport i hate,it knocks the edge of the pleased hes ok,speedy recovery.kenny chirs&family
glad sam's feeling better audrey good luck with him :luck:
I'll echo Kenny's reply, :thumbsup: hope he make a speedy recovery. :thumbsup: di
Hi Audrey

what a dreadful thing to happen, I know you have been looking forward to the championships for weeks

and then this accident happened, I hope Sam will soon recover

Hope to seen you soon

Best wishes

:luck: with him Audrey, keep us updated with his progress.
glad you got home ok Audrey, Ian our vet is brill been going for years with my dogs, so pleased sam was walking sure he will be running around again soon,
Hope Ballyboy makes a speedy recovery - its good to hear he is walking again
Latest news on Sam is, he was very restless and cried a lot so my vet was consulted yesterday and her diagnoses is he has a whiplash injury on his spine amngst other bruises and cuts which have now shown. She doesn't want him to put any pressure on his back so he is caged and sedated. He still walks but tottery when I carry him out in the garden, has problems puttings legs and back into position to wee but all of this will improve she assures me.

I keep thinking of the other two and wondering how they are going on, good luck John and Fiona, remember Fiona talking to me but I was in such shock don't really know what was happening. Didn't know it was their Luke at the time. Also remember seeing Mary after Sams accident and she seemed in a daze and again I didn't know they had had an accident at the time but they followed us down to Ian, the Chesterfield vet.

The whole day seemed, in fact the whole journey, which was a nightmare for me to drive home with injured Sam and two others. I don't think, at this moment, that I will ever race again, and this after 40 years. However it musn't spoil the pleasure for those who gained their titles, amongst them, great friends of mine, Bert and Jane with Notorious and Lindan and Bethany with Zackarella.
Glad to read Sam is improving,the very best of :luck: on a full recovery for him,and hope you feel better in yourself soon Audrey