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Bally Boy


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Ihave just got home after a 6hr. drive and hopefully Sam (Bally Boy) will be ok.I cannot see my own vet as it being bank holiday but the vet at chestrfield was marvellous. He gave Sam injections and painkiller which gave him a reasonable nights sleep. However he whimpered all the way home but on my many stops he managed to walk, although very tottery. Chesterfield vet seems to think its either a trapped nerve or disc out in back. Goodness knows whyhefellinhisrace,hehasneverdoneanythinglikethatbefore.

Many thanks to the many kind folk who helped me, especially Maureen who took me to the vets, Andrea who took my other dogs in, Tony Cooper for picking Sam up quickly and especially Tony Tent, who was a very kind man and gave Sam a great confidence before I could get to the vet. I was in such a state and its one of those things you never want to see one of your (or otherpeoples)dogs go through. Linda and Les were marvellous and helpedme in the travel lodge where I was staying and Sharon for her help.

Hope the other two dogs are getting on alright,will write more afterI seemy vet tommorow