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Ringcraft schooling gets dogs used to noise and other dogs at close quarters, but what do you think about using treats to bait your dog whilst training them for the show ring?

Our breed is whippets.. I know people with boxers tend to bait, but I find it difficult to handle a pup and treat at the same time. one in the pocket for standing is great and works ok. what are you thoughts on the matter
I always bait my Whippets too,even in the ring especialy as a pup,I feel that at least in their eyes the treat makes the whole thing worthwhile :thumbsup:

I honestly think that most people bait their dogs whilst learning, :D they do at our ringcraft class anyway :b And I don't see how it is a problem :blink: I still bait my adult in the ring too :p

So go with whatever suits you,I find that once stacked I can stand in front of my dogs & bait them which makes them prick their ears & look really nice & they also don't move a muscle as they know if they stand they will get their treat after. :p

Baiting works for me & I will continue to do so :thumbsup:
I would prefer to not bait at all. I can't bait Savvy. She was too distracted by the bait to behave so I never had to. I have to bait Teya or she backs off. I am looking forward to the day I don't have to bait any more. I bait much less than I used to, and when I do I try to be aware of other dogs around me because I don't want to put off someone else's dog (Savvy has been put off by someone else baiting in front of us).

With Teya I also did clicker training on the table. I went to a non-showing class to do this. She was very very nervous on the table, so ring class wasn't the place (with tons of people waiting their turn) to try to overcome this. It worked very well.

I bait in the ring but I never throw the bait around. It's either in my pocket or in my hand whilst I'm standng in front of my dog, never thrown around near the other dogs.

I do use treats to train puppies - because I intend to use bait in the ring so I train them with it.
:D My Collies are baited, they have to stand looking alert, but I reward the whippets. So yes I do have bait in my pockets but they are given more as a reward after they've done what I have asked,than being baited. :thumbsup:
some I bait some I don't .Owen doesn't need baiting although he is rewarded on leaving the ring the pups and bandit are all baited but with Tegan it doesn't really help I need 2 hands to keep her still

With William I always use baitas he always looks thoroughly bored and uninterested if I don't